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Television has become our major means of entertainment.
        As modern men, we are so used to so amny inventions that we do not realize how much they have changed our lives. Eyeglasses and sewing machine are two examples. Another, and perhaps more obvious, example is television, which has so altered our way of life that we just cannot imagine what our life would be like without it.

  Television has become our major means of entertainment. We no longer sing, dance, play musical instruments, or tell stories as we used to at home aftr supperr. We no longer turn on the radio so often. And we no longer go to cinemas and theaters unless there is something special. We can get our satisfaction at home if we just sit down and turn on the TV sets in our living rooms. We have become so addicted to our TV sets that we could feel miserable if wee were deprived of them.  

  Television has also become our chief means of obtaining information. Without going out, we can know what the weather will be like tomorrow, what is going on at home and abroad, and whether the current prices fo stocks are going up or down. Because of television, the world has become much smaller and things and people that used to be strangers are now familiar to us. Because of television, we are thousands of times more informed than our ancestors. Now, we depend so much on television for information that we will feel stupid if we do not watch TV for only a few days.

  Television has become part of our lives. It has become a component part of the furniture of our homes and it is our companion wherever we go. With it, we are happy and informed; when we have troubles on our minds,we turn to it. Babies grow up with it and the old watch it until their last days. In short, whether it is interestingg or boring, whether it talks sense or nonsense, our life would be empty without it.
