1) heart and soul: adv. 全心全意地
2) white elephant: n. [a. + n.] something useless and unwanted but big and costly. 大而无用的东西, 白象, 累赘物
3) high tea: n. A fairly substantial meal that includes tea and is served in the late afternoon or early evening. 下午茶下午或傍晚前进食的非常丰富的餐食包括茶水
4) cold shoulder: n. Informal Deliberate coldness or disregard; a slight or a snub 怠慢故意的冷落或轻视;怠慢或轻慢
5) red herring: n. Something that draws attention away from the central issue. 转移注意力者把注意力从中心论题转移开的东西
6) narrow escape: n. 九死一生, 幸免于难
7) brain trust: n. [n. +n.] a group of people with special knowledge who answer questions or give advice. 智囊团,专家顾问团一个通常非正式地担任顾问和政策制定者的专家小组,尤指政府部门中的
8) flesh and blood: n. [n. + conj. + n.] relatives or family一个人的血亲;亲属
(2) Human nature or physical existence, together with its weaknesses. 人的本性包括各种弱点的人的本性或物质存在
9) an apple of discord: n. [n. + prep. + n.] cause of disagreement or argument, etc. 争端, 祸根
10) Jack of all trades (Jack of all trades and master of none 三脚猫): n. 万事通;博而不精的人
11) fly in the ointment: n. [n. + prep. +n.] something that spoils the perfection of something. 小挫折
12) brain drain: n. 智囊流失
13) the ins and the outs: n. 执政党和在野党, 复杂情况
14) son and heir: n. 子嗣
15) part and parcel: n. 重要的部分
16) a friend in court: n. 有势力的朋友
17) wet blanket: n. 弄湿的毯子, 扫兴的事 One that discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm.
18) cat''s paw: n. 受人利用者;傀儡
19) king''s weather n. 好天气
20) Achilles'' heel: n. A seemingly small but actually mortal weakness. 阿喀琉斯的脚踝一看来很小但致命的弱点