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Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!) (English Edition) | |||
Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!) (English Edition) |
网友对Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!) (English Edition)的评论
As a writer of books on selling, I want to keep current on what my fellow sales authors are doing. I read the first edition of this book in 1990, and was impressed then. This new edition came out, and I had to read it.
First, the author really uses these methods in his own business. That sets him apart from many other sales authors.
If you want to sell over the phone, this isn't the book for you. But if you set appointments, to make in person sales presentation...this is it. This edition is a completely rewritten version of the earlier editions. He covers cell phone use, e-mailing, and other technologies.
But the real gold is in the simple approach. I won't spoil it here, but it cuts through tons of theory, and just tells you what works, in setting appointments.
And the section on answering objections to an appointment, made me laugh out loud. Not because it was funny, but because the answer was so obvious, and I never thought of it. This book has the single best answer for every stall given by a prospect, that I've ever heard.
I've been selling and cold calling for thirty years. Seldom does a sales book teach me anything new of substance. This one did. Because of this book, I changed my approach to cold calling. And the approach I had been using had been working just fine. You'll get techniques in this book that I've never seen in print.
If you have any of the earlier editions, you know that the author knows his stuff. You still need to get THIS edition. It's a whole new game.
For those who never have worked on the "selling" business, or for those who see their work completely stalled, or for those who are trying to shine in their selling career, this is THE BEST BOOK about "Cold Calling" that I have seen.
It breaks the process into tiny pieces, with perfect explanation on every step, and key elements to care and truly important advice to check.
Even a few as simple as using a mirror, or calling standing up, seeming so "mundane" in practice are so important. Nothing in this book is a waste.
Truly a gem.
I recommend it, HIGHLY.
Some good steps in it, but I wonder how well some of them work in today's changed prospecting environment. I consider myself a student of prospecting and I got more from Scott Channell's book 7 STEPS to SALES SCRIPTS for B2B APPOINTMENT SETTING and Jeb Blount's FANATICAL PROSPECTING than I did from Mr. Schiffman's book.
That said, I know successful salespeople that swear by Schiffman's methods, so perhaps it's just a matter of preference.
Steve's methods are reality-based and smart; moreover, they work! We all get out of things what we put into them. If you put in the time and effort, and follow Steve's advice to the letter, you will get where you want to go. The only way that won't happen is if you get hit by a bus at some point along the way. So in summation, read this book, stay positive, follow Steve's advice, take action, and always look both ways when crossing the street. (-:
I first read this book around 1985. With the aid of these skills-I became one of the top reps at Velobind. I've purchased updated editions over the years and used the materials to train my reps (when I was a manager). I recently started a new job and needed to kick start my prospecting--read the book in one day and I've already started getting meetings. Steve's process is simple and proven. While I don't agree with everything in this new edition--I'm not going to let that get in the way of the 99% of the book that is ROCK SOLID.
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