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Great Work, Great Career

As we live through successive economic earthquakes that shake the core of our society, it can be dif
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Great Work, Great Career

As we live through successive economic earthquakes that shake the core of our society, it can be difficult to maintain one’s footing. Still, Covey argues there is a positive side to these tumultuous times, provided one is willing to take a chance and go with it. Welcome this wild and demanding new world and embrace the opportunities it presents.

Covey tells us, don’t just settle for a job; you want a great job. Great Work, Great Career can help you find that great job and beyond that, a whole career. You will learn how to:

- Create your own career opportunities and make a real difference in a terrific job of your choosing.

- Define your unique strengths and the exact niche in the market that you can fulfill.

- Build relationships with key support people.

- Create an outstanding resume

- and more.

Stephen R. Covey is perhaps the most respected business thinker of our time, and his associate Jennifer Colosimo bring us this thorough handbook for anyone who is seeking a job and a more fulfilling career. Their work is full of indispensable advice and tools.

网友对Great Work, Great Career的评论

大学的时候参加第一个校园招聘宣讲企业是IBM,唯一的收获是一个用到现在的鼠标垫。鼠标垫上是象征工业社会的灯火通明的立交桥,写着一句话“停止寻找工作 开始寻找事业”。在当时,这句话还挺有冲击力的。


因为作者是大名鼎鼎的《高效能人士的七个习惯》的作者Stephen R. Covey,我搞了本《Great Work, Great Career》读一读。(真正的原因是赶上亚马逊Kindle图书特价这种理由你以为我会写到书评里吗?)


知识经济时代的劳动者"rest":"<br />我们是知识经济时代(Knowledge Age)的劳动者,虽然我们也有职位说明书,但那是上一个时代传递来的过时的组织方式的一部分。我们不应该成为一个“长了腿的职位说明书”,或者一个机器上的零件。卓越的工作一定是知识上的贡献,而不是成为一个机器的零件。“一个伟大的职业生涯在于解决伟大的问题、遇到伟大的挑战,并且做出伟大的贡献。”<br /><br />在知识经济时代,我们需要学会问“我们的贡献在哪里?”<br /><br />站在组织的角度考虑问题<br />什么是公司最重要的战略问题?你上一次和主管一对一交流这个问题是什么时候?如果不能不断得改变自己去适应你的公司/组织所面对的问题,你就会被落到后面。<br /><br />求职,或者职业目标的达成,都有赖于个人贡献与组织需求的高度契合。公司/组织遇到了问题,而你恰恰是解决方案,那么个人发展和组织需求的互相成就,就会创造出卓越的职业生涯。<br /><br />你的职业生涯宣言<br />想要成就卓越职业生涯的人,首先要认识自己。我的突出才能在哪些方面?做什么事情能让我充满激情?哪些东西符合我的价值观念和道德观念?每个人的才能、爱好、观念都是不同的(虽然有的时候只是细微差别),这些不同让我们每个人都成为独一无二的个体,可以发挥独一无二的作用,这成为我们的独特优势。<br /><br />虽然这篇书评已经引用过多导致没有太多是我自己写的,但是下面这句话实在是原文最精华的部分,把它作为结尾,实在太恰当不过:<br /><br /> 对于大多数人来说,并不存在一个绝对的障碍阻碍我们获得卓越的职业生涯。问题在于时间。我们如此忙碌得度过每一天,在当前的工作中忘我工作,从不花时间安排我们真正想做的事情。一年又一年重复着这个不令人满足的循环,对我们自己说“下一年,情况会不同,我会重回校园,我会开始新的职业。”但是什么都没改变。卓越的职业生涯属于花时间来定义自己的贡献,并且花时间达成它的人。"


This is a principle centered focus on carreer advancement and contribution. The way this book shows a simple incremental plan for putting your career into persective and how much you can control of it, if you know how; makes this a valuable tool for any employee with an actual job or in search of one. Alos, general management and HR managers will find this principles and tools very powerfull in terms of developing a strong working force driven by the right working habits.

this book introduces many new ideas on the issue. absolutely worth reading.
new fresh look on the employers' needs and job requirements of this era.

I was confident that Stephen R. Covey would put together a good book, but this one really exceeded my expectations. My resume is so much more powerful than it was before reading this book. I have been invited to interview with every company that has reviewed my resume since I used the techniques in "Great Work, Great Career" to help me reform it.

Really enjoyed all the great information. Specially the part about finding a career that fits your Talent (what your good at), Passion (what you love to do), and Conscience (what satisfies your Conscience). Stephen also makes some great points on finding a job and standing out in an interview.

Valuable content for anyone that finds passion in any thing they do. After buying the book several years ago, I often reference it for inspiration in finding ways to reach others.

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