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The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership | |||
The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership |
网友对The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership的评论
Great insights into the ideas that took Bill Walsh to the pinnacle of the coaching profession and the stressors that wore him down. The "Score Takes Care of Itself" relates to Walsh's "Standard of Performance" and the idea that if you have a consistently high quality process that you will produce a high quality product. You will always be in the base camp, close to the summit: As a coach, this book will help you build the assembly line. The quality car (and football team) will follow:
Bill Walsh on the Standard of Performance:
* Culture precedes positive results. It doesn't get tacked on as an afterthought on the way to the victory stand. Champions behave like champions before they are champions.
* The exceptional assembly line comes before the quality car - strive to make your assembly line better and better.
* All we can do is increase the probability of success. Do it by intelligently and relentlessly seeking solutions that will increase your chances of prevailing in a competitive environment. When you do that, the score will take care of itself.
* Teach players to hate mistakes in games and practice - if you aim for perfection and miss, you're still pretty good...if you aim for mediocrity...
* "Organizational excellence evolves from the perfection of details relevant to performance and production."
* "I know what is required for us to win. I will show you what it is."
* "There are winners and there are people who would like to be winners but just don't know how to do it."
If you have seen the NFL Network's series, "A Football Life", you may have seen the 90-min special they did on Bill Walsh. The video documentary is EXCELLENT, and paints a compelling story of this fascinating and brilliant man. This book, in progress at the time of his death, was finished by his son with the help of Steve Jamison. Several of Walsh's players and friends add their own insights in this book, which add to the interest.
Like all of Walsh's work, it's more a series of short essays, collected and sorted into manageable categories. They are based on the speeches he gave after retiring from coaching. Now, as a management system I don't think he says anything that Steven Covey and others haven't said. But if you have ever wondered if the guy was really as good as his fans claim, or why the Niners were the 2015 laughing stock of the NFL, all you need to do is read this book to understand:
1) Yes, he really was as brilliant as his fans claim
2) Yes, his burnout was inevitable; he cared too passionately, too intensely about perfection
3) No, nobody in the current Niner organization even comes within ten Levi Stadiums' distance of Walsh' football expertise and management skills.
Reading this, you understand that coaches like Mike Holmgren and Bill Belicheck are the real Walsh fans. And how success breeds success, but also the never-ceasing, crushing pressure that accompanies it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all football fans.
If Bill Walsh is right - namely, that NFL football is the intellectual equivalent of business (in organizing and managing a group of individuals to achieve difficult goals in an extremely competitive world) - then this is a book worth picking up for anyone interested in business leadership. Walsh, not unlike Buffett, Munger, and Klarman, knows that there is no ultimate formula for success. In his words, "a resolute and resourceful leader understands that there are a multitude of means to increase the probability of success. And that's all comes down to, namely, intelligently and relentlessly seeks solutions that will increase your chance of prevailing in a competitive environment." You won't go wrong adding this one to your collection.
I love this book! As a huge football fan, I have though for years that football strategy, team culture, and playing the game itself has a correlation to both business and war. This book self proclaimed "philosophy of Leadership" is all about how to rally the troops in business and in life. There is no wonder why Bill Walsh was highly regarded for his business acumen. Bill very much understood how to tackle any tough situation and convince those around him to follow through and persevere until they accomplished their goals. This is a must read for any business owner, manager, or anybody who enjoys what really goes on in the office of an NFL head coach. I bought one for my business partner who doesn't even like football and he enjoyed it as well
Wow, what a great book. I don't know how I came across this book as I don't watch football and have never heard of Bill Walsh but I'm happy I did. His leadership approach to football is straightforward and applicable to a variety of professions. If I could summarize his philosophy it would be that success is the result of attention to detail, every minute detail.
What you read about in this book is a man who poured his heart and soul into what he loved to do. This isn't some fluffy do x,y,z and you'll get there type of book. This is about showing the insane dedication, work, and sacrifice it takes to excel at what you do. What also stood out for me was the brutal self-honesty of his own shortcomings which is refreshing to read in a profession with many big egos.
I recommend this to anyone looking to improve upon their approach to work and/or life.
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