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Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It | ![]() |
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Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It | ![]() |
网友对Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It的评论
The norm among online marketers these days seems to be taking one idea and fluffing it out into 200-something pages so as to call it a book. Stand Out is a refreshing and much-needed break from the pattern. Dorie I really applaud you for the apparent effort you put into making this book great.
As someone who has done a fair amount of reading and execution in the world of online brand-building, I was really hoping this would delve into more detail and nuance and this book completely over-delivers.
Here's what I love about this book: Clark walks you through the various phases of online brand-building in DETAIL. And she does it by using case studies at every step, while still being perfectly concise. It's a minor wonder that she was able to amass so many great examples and tie them to her lessons as she's done. Somehow she's able to walk you through all the phases without making this a long or tiring read.
If you are just getting started, do yourself a huge favor and unsubscribe from all the newsletters you're on and just find a weekend to read this book. It will calm your mind and give you the big picture as well as a whole bunch of ideas about how to get started.
If you're already fairly knowledgeable but feeling a bit lost amidst all the options and strategies for building an online brand, Dorie really distills everything beautifully and will give you some fresh ideas as well as reminders about what matters (and where to cut back).
Bottom line I think this is a really impressive piece of work and I highly recommend it.
I love Dorie's work. I am a fan of Reinventing You and have seen many of her presentations both on line and in person. Stand Out has been no exception for me, but before I share my must read sections I thought it was important you know I am a fan (which means I am surely biased). With that disclosure, here is what you must read:
Page 8 - "The World Needs You" - Stand Out explains why you must put a "dent in the universe." In other words, the ultimate impact you will have is by being yourself fully. This is the essence of standing out: be yourself, fully.
Page 28 - Your experience represents your greatest lessons (far greater than traditional schooling) and the key to standing out. Leverage your story.
Page 68 - "Janusian Thinking" - The concept of being one thing and the opposite at the same time. This is a mind blower, and the most marked up section in my book. The lesson is this. To stand out in an industry the odds are in your favor if you come from outside the industry. Growing up in an industry, so to speak, defines you and it is hard (impossible) to achieve Janusian Thinking. Come from the outside and your are positioned to break the rules.
Page 108 to 122 - This is a mastery lesson in networking. I have observed Dorie's professional career enough to know that she lives this and is wildly successful as a result. This section is the most marked up in my book. I read it multiple times already. My favorite "secret" is not networking with clients per se, but networking with complimentary vendors / competitors.
Page 150 - Become a Connector - This section teaches the basic premise of standing out... reciprocity. Care for others success and they will care for yours.
Page 193 - Do The Work - The blatantly honest conclusion of the book is this... none of this work to stand out will work, if you don't do it. Dorie more than acknowledges - she drives home - the fact that you will need to hustle. And drives that point home with a cool story about the Wine Library founder Gary V (you know the king of hustle).
Stand Out is the recipe for, you guessed it, standing out. A five star read!
I was a big buyer of Dorie's first book "Reinventing You." Gave it to clients, passed it out in personal & professional branding workshops & it even became my go-to graduation gift. "Stand Out" is even better & more versatile. Am about to order dozens of copies ... Here's why:
Dorie is exceptionally talented at synthesizing a lot of information and surfacing sometimes counter-intuitive advice that -- if applied -- can be a true differentiator. You could read & watch hundreds of articles and videos re: personal and professional branding; succeeding in an increasingly competitive workforce; joyfully achieving; the power of networking, etc., etc., ..... or you can lose yourself in "Stand Out" for a weekend and fundamentally shift and modernize your approach and drill down on actionable takeaways. As you can see from photo of my personal copy, there's a lot of notable & inspiring advice. Here's some quick, excerpted notes that don't do the book justice, but should give you a feel for the content.
-- Standing out is no longer optional (insert). It's not something we have to do. It's something we get to do.
-- You don't have to be a superstar, but you do have to be deliberate. The competition is fierce, but if you even begin to develop thought leadership, you'll dramatically outpace your competitors, most of whom never even try (page 8).
-- It starts with building a base of supporters who believe in you personally (page 11).
-- The best way to develop a reputation as an authority in your field is by staying on top of trends (page 27).
-- Particularly fresh insights sometimes come from people with eclectic backgrounds (page 28).
-- Some of the best ideas take time, even years, to percolate (page 31).
-- Narrowcast: Instead of developing a broad theory ... become the go-to authority on a particular slice that has been overlooked (page 33).
-- Let the market decide (page 38).
-- You don't need to be the best in the world; you just need to be the best one there. You can be a big fish in a little pond and if you're the biggest fish in that environment, you get bigger .... (page 39).
-- Niche Down. The overly modest are concerned they're not really experts, and the renaissance people don't want to feel trapped, but developing a niche is often the fastest ticket to expanding into adjacent areas (page 40).
-- Think about who needs your skills and approach, but doesn't typically have access to them (page 43).
-- One of the best ways to develop your niche is through creating your own personal curriculum (page 44).
-- Power of "Halo Effect" -- because you're already perceived as good at one thing -- people generalize and think you're brilliant overall (page 46).
-- People are hungry for actual data (page 51).
-- Inject fact into conversation (page 55).
-- Bring your whole self to the challenge (page 67).
-- Janusian thinking: Difference becomes your competitive advantage (page 68).
-- There is no longer an airtight distinction between the personal and professional (page 76).
-- Consider cross-disciplinary training (page 78).
-- The more you become yourself ... the greater your chance of doing something different that makes a lasting impact (page 80).
-- Reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority and scarcity can motivate others (page 84).
-- Popularize something great that has been under appreciated (page 89).
-- Originality can be overestimated. A lot of thought leaders synthesize (page 92).
-- Create frameworks (page 93).
-- Networking -- when done right -- benefits everyone (page 102).
-- Value of follow-up & timing (page 110).
-- Preparation (page 112).
-- Authenticity (page 117).
-- You're known by the company you keep (page 119).
-- How can I integrate a commitment to service in everything I do? (page 120).
-- Be ruthless in your prioritization (page 137).
-- You can create a powerful community that surrounds you, and is grateful to you, but isn't about you (page 151).
-- In almost every industry there are gaps (page 153).
-- Profoundly fulfilling step -- help teach others how to achieve their goals (page 159).
-- Mindset: constantly learning (page 160).
-- Start your own internship program (page 163).
-- Too often we forget our professional lives can, and should, be joyful (page 166).
-- Make it happen (page 176).
-- Top performers exponentially outwork everyone else (page 193).
-- Pure brute force goes a long way (page 195).
-- The world needs your voice (page 198).
Dorie is, above all else, an optimist. You can't help but have a little extra bounce in your step after reading "Stand Out." Thanks for that!
I value the teachings of Dorie Clark. Her first book,Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future, continues its profound influence on my own 21st century career management.
Dorie Clark's Stand Out Is The Defacto 21st Century Career Management Strategy Manual. Dorie's latest book, Stand Out: How To Find Your Breakthrough Idea And Build A Following Around It, is exceptional. The practical and accessible paths Dorie describes to becoming an industry thought leader are inspiring. Her actionable advice, superb writing, and real-world profiles are more relevant than ever in our increasingly robot-, algorithm-, outsource-driven world.
If I were a book agent, I'd position Stand Out as the powerful and practical, how-to, user's manual to accompany Seth Godin's visionary ideas from Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us and Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?. If Tribes and Linchpin are the target destinations, Stand Out maps out accessible paths we can choose to take.
Ask Yourself -- 21st Century Career Management Tactical Gold. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions we can apply to our, individual Stand Out journeys so we earn thought leadership status. They're similar to the free, Stand Out Self-Assessment Workbook Dorie offers on her online, home page. Answering each question helps you evaluate if a specific tactic(s) is actionable in your current situation.
The courage to follow through and figure out how to adapt/modify these tactics when setbacks occur is an important Stand Out lesson ...
... Because The Journey Is The Reward. A Stand Out career path is not clear-cut, easy-to-see, or step-wise. Making the decision to Stand Out with your breakthrough idea(s) and following through on how to position yourself as the thought leader driving the idea(s) are courageous choices. When Dorie chose to Stand Out, her path to earning thought leadership wasn't easy. She candidly shares her setbacks, how she adapted, and why she kept going.
There's A Unique and Different Stand Out Path For All Of Us. Dorie's personal story and the profiles of the people she interviewed are inspiring. Each person found her/his way through a combination of intellectual curiosity, a motivating fire for more control of their personal / professional destinies, and creative tactics integrating online chops with in-real-life (IRL), street-smart savvy.
It Can Be Done. But, you have to keep going. First, make the conscious choice to do it. Second, do it. Third, slog your way through and adapt. Fourth, fight through setback after setback. Fifth, go back and ASK YOURSELF why you chose Number 1 (because Dorie and the people she profiled constantly confronted Number 4).
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