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Discovering Business Intelligence Using MicroStrategy 9 | |||
Discovering Business Intelligence Using MicroStrategy 9 |
Business Intelligence is a type of technology that has been proven to support business decisions in an organization. MicroStrategy 9 is a fully-integrated BI platform that makes Business Intelligence faster, easier, and more user-friendly. It enables businesses to generate their own reports and dashboards without the need for technical knowledge.
This practical, hands-on guide will provide Business Intelligence for executives, as well as enable BI reports and dashboards without the dependency of IT savvy personnel. It will allow you to design, build, and share business relevant data in hours, in a secure way, including mobile devices and show you how to leverage your transactional information.
This example-oriented book looks at the value proposition of cloud computing and the MicroStrategy platform, and features practical exercises for BI reports and dashboard enablement, including the design phase and best practices for when we design a BI report.
The book begins with an exploration of MicroStrategy along with typical business needs. Our focus then shifts to best practices for BI reports and dashboard definitions from the functional stand point, with easy-to-do exercises that will allow you to enable the reports in the platform. You will learn about scorecards and dashboards, along with sharing the reports. Next, you will get acquainted with cloud-based services provided by the MicroStrategy platform. By the end of this book, you will able to design, enable, and share BI reports and dashboards without the need for comprehensive technical knowledge, and leverage the latest technology on the market.
This is a step-by-step tutorial that covers the basics of working with the MicroStrategy platform.
If you are a BI developer who would like to use MicroStrategy to build BI apps, this book is ideal for you. This book is also for mid-management executives who need to analyze data and Excel files that are too complicated to manage. A basic concept of BI is assumed.
网友对Discovering Business Intelligence Using MicroStrategy 9的评论
Discovering Business Intelligence using MicroStrategy 9 is one of the few books available on MicroStrategy (outside of the product manuals) and gives a clear Insight into the visualization/cloud based features of MicroStrategy. The authors, without getting in depth into technical or architectural details have basically covered all the critical features of the product that are beneficial to the end business users or beginners. The book is well organized with appropriate screenshots and will be extremely useful as a quick reference / do it yourself handbook.
This book is just a rehash of the MicroStrategy courses (Many of which are free). If you are a new user I guess this is helpful but if you have worked with MicroStrategy for more than a year this is a waste of money.
I also ordered "Business Intelligence with MicroStrategy Cookbook" and give it one star.
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