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HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself

The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. If you read nothing
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HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself

The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror.

If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles to select the most important ones to help you maximize yourself.

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself will inspire you to:

- Stay engaged throughout your 50+-year work life
- Tap into your deepest values
- Solicit candid feedback
- Replenish physical and mental energy
- Balance work, home, community, and self
- Spread positive energy throughout your organization
- Rebound from tough times
- Decrease distractibility and frenzy
- Delegate and develop employees' initiative


网友对HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself的评论


Hope it will benefit me something

I was expecting a condensed 7-Habits or some nuggets of wisdom/shortcuts for being more effective at work/life. But several of the articles were commonsensical advice, for example (I paraphrase) "prioritize your work/family/friends", "don't neglect your physical/emotional energy", "live healthier and be more organized to combat attention deficiency".

Only three of the articles, including Christensen's, were personally entertaining and useful reads, out of the eleven total articles.

If you find your energy lacking at work, or you can't properly prioritize your work/personal life, then this should be helpful to you.

This book has some wonderful articles that anyone can learn from. Personally I have taken to reading a few articles more than once e.g. "How will you measure your life by Clayton M. Christensen" and have gained some key insights I think I want to apply to my own life. On the other hand, some other articles talk more about the role of leadership which I do not think necessary or they use examples which aren't relevant to the central topic of self-management but rather people-management. These articles are oft cliche and may fail to appeal to a wide range of people who I think may be reading this book e.g. non-CEO's et cetera.

The book consists of articles from 11 authors. They offer insights on what and how to improve ourselves. Mr. Christensen's piece definitely stands out. This is because he talks about finding a life you aspire, then work on the improvement. The other articles more focus on the specific aspect of the management skills. A good complimentary book to read will be "On Managing People", which is also published by HBR.

HBR usually has fairly impressive content, but this collection of essays provides little to no value. Each of the 10 essays essentially claims to have found the root issue for poor management or corporate performance. They then go on stating a common sense solution as simple as eat healthier, exercise more or don't read your email in meeting.

This is nothing more than a bunch of anecdotal stories from Bob in Wichita, sprinkled with some made up percentage figures and a sense of "you can do it too".

This book has many classic and insightful management articles; however the e-book is a mess. Quotes and stories clearly intended to supplement the articles are scattered randomly throughout the articles disrupting the flow of the articles and making them incomprehensible at times.

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