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兰登书屋韦氏大学英语词典 | |||
兰登书屋韦氏大学英语词典 |
There is even a saying that the English language is actually two languages divided by the Atlantic Ocean .Though it is somewhat of exaggeration,it is still at least reflecting the fact that the British English and the American one have big differences which can not be unnoticed.As for correct usage of a language especially as a foreign language,it is essential to have several dictionaries in the learners‘ disposal or on their desktops.However,very unfortunately there are much less American English dictionaries on the market than their Brish counterparts,where the original language was born.To "rest":"my best knowledge,there are only several ones worth being recommended:the merriam-wester’s collegiate or the third international dictionary by the same corporation,the new world webster‘s college dictionaries ,the Random house college and unabridged dictionaries and American heritage dictioanry,among which I love the new world and the American heritage most and hate the merriam's collegiate most."
现已“绝版”!!!“兰登”以后不再出 “词典”了!!
“她”和“New World”虽都“冠以韦氏”,却跟“韦氏”没有关系!!!