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The Myth of the Garage

From Chip and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick, comes The Myth of the
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The Myth of the Garage

From Chip and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick, comes The Myth of the Garage ... and other minor surprises, a collection of the authors' best columns for Fast Company magazine. There are 16 pieces in all, plus a previously unpublished piece entitled 'The Future Fails Again'.
In Myth, the Heath brothers tackle some of the most (and least) important issues in the modern business world:
- Why you should never buy another mutual fund ('The Horror of Mutual Funds')
- Why your gut may be more ethical than your brain ('In Defense of Feelings')
- How to communicate with numbers in a way that changes decisions ('The Gripping Statistic')
- Why the 'Next Big Thing' often isn't ('The Future Fails Again')
- Why you may someday pay $300 for a pair of socks ('The Inevitability of $300 Socks')
- And 12 others . . .

Punchy, entertaining, and full of unexpected insights, the collection is the perfect companion for a short flight (or a long meeting).

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Did you know that drinking one can of soda per day adds 10 pounds of fat to your body in a year? Have you ever wondered how you could thank an employee who created something wonderful but you don't know who to thank? Why should you stop buying mutual funds? These are the questions the authors of this book answer. They also comment on popular culture and have interesting ideas about why we spend so much money on things. Do we really think of ourselves as connoisseurs? It is an interesting thought. This book is filled with articles that are smart enough to get your attention and short enough to keep it to the end. I thought "Get Back in the Box" was funny. I also liked the authors' idea of how companies should "pave the way to praise." Basically this is a quick and enjoyable read that will make you want to buy other books by the same authors. I must say I love the cover of this book too!

~The Rebecca Review

The Heath brothers have assembled short essays on some of the common fallacies we usually think are good or right.

In 17 myth busting essays with different subjects they tell you - in a common sense language - what researcher have found on each of the subjects:
- Why ideas are usually not invented in solitude in the garage.
- Why some ideas stick and others don't.
- Why it is harder to complain than praise, and why that's detrimental
- The horror of mutual funds
- Whether you can cherry pick talents to work for you - if they will grow or wither
- Why customers will pay you to restrain them.
- How to make dead material less dead and the talk of the town
- Why incentives often have unforeseen worse implications
- Why stigma are bad, when used for marketing
- How to explain new things by anchoring
- The benefit of feedback - watch the Game Film
- How to better avoid misreading the future technologies
- Why gut feelings can be better than self-deceiving logic
- Thinking outside the box - or find another box to think inside. We'll always create boundaries.
- Why some premium services are inevitable, and which have the potential
- How statistics can be explained better.
- Why seeing things true is a virtue. Moving a mountain.

Well worth reading as there are enough ideas that I can use to make this short collection of articles well worth reading. One example is naming a new product or method. I can't tell you how many times I have been in these discussions, mostly endless, about whether to use a completely new name, one that is totally accurate, or leverage the old name, even though it may be not 100% accurate. So I leaned to think "anchor and twist". Use an existing mental model to leverage what people already know so that you don't have to educate them again, but add a twist to express what is different.

Many other articles had useful suggestions as well. I just hope that those journalist who string enough silly stats to "stretch from here to the moon and back seven times" read this collection (the importance of making stats realistic and applicable to real people is addressed in one of the articles).

While the articles revolve around corporations, what it really talks about is critical thinking skills and how to separate the wheat from the chaff. I am self-employed and constantly bombarded by the "next great thing" in my profession. Someone always wants to put their hand in my pocket to my disadvantage. So what does this have to do with this book?

It exposes the art of the myth and the ever expanding retelling of the myth which ultimately becomes more important than the core product, person, whatever of the myth. If you lack critical thinking skills you are setting yourself up to be a dupe to the benefit of the myth. Deadly if you are self-employed.

If you only read one "business" book this year, this should be the one. Not because it will help you run your specific business; not because it will apply to any one specific business; but because it will expose you to some great ideas that can be incorporated into your business which will make your business more successful!

For my pet peeves: No formatting errors! Yay! No misspellings! Yay!

Parting shot...for free you have nothing to lose. Go for it.

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