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A Class with Drucker: The Lost Lessons of the World's Greatest Management Teacher | |||
A Class with Drucker: The Lost Lessons of the World's Greatest Management Teacher |
网友对A Class with Drucker: The Lost Lessons of the World's Greatest Management Teacher的评论
My then young husband received his MBA from Claremont and had the privilege of taking classes from Drucker. One day, he found himself walking with him between classes and asking his advice as to whether he should stay with the family business or take another job. Astoundingly, Drucker said, "It's probably your uncle who gives you the most difficulty" which was absolutely true! How did he know? Drucker then said, "Take the job that pays you the most." My husband followed his advice and left the family business when it wouldn't match another job offer. Because of it our lives took a completely different turn and with the extra cash flow invested in real estate we were able to retire at age 46.
Did you know that Peter Drucker also advised Rick Warren? Pastor Rick went to him for advice years ago, and they met together twice a year for over 20 years, the years in which Saddleback Church grew into a mega-church and Rick Warren wrote the New York Times bestseller "The Purpose Driven Life" which we highly recommend. Rick Warren even spoke at Drucker's memorial service.
I became an entrepreneur and business owner after I graduated school, so I never took business courses - especially at the graduate level. My customers have taught me some, I had some mentors and family advice, but mostly I have learned from by either making mistakes or having successes in my stores. And I am a firm believer in learning from books.
Business books seem to be about 80-20. 80% stinkers, 20% valuable. And then every so often that 20% turns out to have real gem. This book from Dr Cohen is a gem, with a lot of good, practical advice I can apply immediately to improve my bottom line. If you believe in continuing your business education with books, get this one. The advice is Peter Drucker's, and Dr Cohen fully credits the ideas to him, but I credit Dr Cohen for making these lessons readable, understandable, and easy to apply. Bravo!
Another excellent book by Dr. Cohen. I recommend it very much if you are fond for Dr. Druckers writings & ideas, since you'll get a different perspective on them though this book.
Drucker has always been one of my favorites. He had always been two steps ahead of the curve in management prowess. Dr. Cohen has done an excellent job in stringing his personal goals and insights to Drucker, to assist the reader in applying management pathways. Read, lead or get out of the way!
I recommend this book for everyone who is in a leadership position. Not just for those in management. I totally recommend it!
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