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Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation | |||
Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation |
PART I: BUILDING A STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK TO ANALYZE SUPPLY CHAINS 1. Understanding the Supply Chain 2. Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope 3. Supply Chain Drivers and Metrics PART II: DESIGNING THE SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORK 4. Designing Distribution Networks and Applications to Online Sales 5. Network Design in the Supply Chain 6. Designing Global Supply Chain Networks PART III: PLANNING AND COORDINATING DEMAND AND SUPPLY IN A SUPPLY CHAIN 7. Demand Forecasting in a Supply Chain 8. Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain 9. Sales and Operations Planning: Planning Supply and Demand in a Supply Chain 10. Coordination in a Supply Chain PART IV: PLANNING AND MANAGING INVENTORIES IN A SUPPLY CHAIN 11. Managing Economies of Scale in a Supply Chain: Cycle Inventory 12. Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain: Safety Inventory 13. Determining the Optimal Level of Product Availability PART V: DESIGNING AND PLANNING TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS 14. Transportation in a Supply Chain PART VI: MANAGING CROSS-FUNCTIONAL DRIVERS IN A SUPPLY CHAIN 15. Sourcing Decisions in a Supply Chain 16. Pricing and Revenue Management in a Supply Chain 17. Sustainability and the Supply Chain PART VII: ONLINE CHAPTER A. Information Technology in a Supply Chain
网友对Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation的评论
The book itself is fine (had to purchase for a class). Some of the problems/questions in the paperback version are different (like the numbers in the tables are slightly different from the hardcover). In the event you're using this for a course, just be aware of that and that the pages don't align. I do think it's nicer to carry/manage between classes tho :/
This review is only for the Kindle Rental Version. The content of the book--great! Easy to understand and learn with. Kindle Version--You can only use it on two devices, which really defeats the purpose of getting it. I have my phone on the go, my ipad at home, and Kindle Cloud or PC at work. I need to be able to use my textbook when it is convenient for me to study.
Great reference book. Good balance between theory and application, with loads of well-written case studies. Only complaint is the price... DANG!
user friendly throughout the process
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