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The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology

The definitive pioneering blueprint covering the what, why and how of the blockchain.Blockchains are
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The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology 去商家看看

The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology

The definitive pioneering blueprint covering the what, why and how of the blockchain. 

Blockchains are new technology layers that rewire the Internet and threaten to side-step older legacy constructs and centrally served businesses. At its core, a blockchain injects trust into the network, cutting off some intermediaries from serving that function and creatively disrupting how they operate. Metaphorically, blockchains are the ultimate non-stop computers. Once launched, they never go down, and offer an incredible amount of resiliency, making them dependable and attractive for running a new generation of decentralized services and software applications. 

The Business Blockchain charts new territory in advancing our understanding of the blockchain by unpacking its elements like no other before. William Mougayar anticipates a future that consists of thousands, if not millions of blockchains that will enable not only frictionless value exchange, but also a new flow of value, redefining roles, relationships, power and governance. In this book, Mougayar makes two other strategic assertions. First, the blockchain has polymorphic characteristics; its application will result in a multiplicity of effects. Second, we shouldn’t ask ourselves what problems the blockchain solves, because that gives us a narrow view on its potential. Rather, we should imagine new opportunities, and tackle even more ambitious problems that cross organizational, regulatory and mental boundaries. 

Drawing on 34 years of technology industry experience as an executive, analyst, consultant, entrepreneur, startup mentor, author, blogger, educator, thought leader and investor, William Mougayar describes a future that is influenced by fundamental shifts brought by blockchain technology as the catalyst for change. William Mougayar has been described as the most sophisticated blockchain business thinker. He is a blockchain industry insider whose work has already shaped and influenced the understanding of blockchain for people around the world, via his generous blogging and rigorous research insights. He is a direct participant in the crypto-technology market, working alongside startups, entrepreneurs, pioneers, leaders, innovators, creators, enterprise executives and practitioners; in addition to being an investor, advisor, and board member in some of the leading organizations in this space, such as the Ethereum Foundation, OpenBazaar and Coin Center.

Just as the Internet created new possibilities that we didn’t foresee in its early years, the blockchain will give rise to new business models and ideas that may still be invisible. Following an engaging Foreword by Vitalik Buterin, this book is organized along these 7 chapters:

1. What is the Blockchain?

2. How Blockchain Trust Infiltrates

3. Obstacles, Challenges & Mental Blocks

4. Blockchain in Financial Services

5. Lighthouse Industries & New Intermediaries

6. Implementing Blockchain Technology

7. Decentralization as the Way Forward

The Business Blockchain is an invitation for technologists to better understand the business potential of the blockchain, and for business minded people to grasp the many facets of blockchain technology. This book teaches you how to think about the blockchain.

网友对The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology的评论

So you are explaining to your friend how amazing the blockchain concept is!
And then they ask: "So what can you do with this?"
Your answer: "Everything!"

If you want to sound smarter then you are, show off to your tech friends or be fun at parties again, this book is for you!

Amazing business view and understand on what the blockchain could enable. That's what is currently missing in the community in my humble opinion and William is doing a great at summarizing what's currently happening in the community.

I would say it's an intermediate book, beginner could read but you have to be ready to stop sometimes and look up some stuff on the web.

On the bad side I kinda agree with other reviewers here: Strong beginning, weak ending. The end of the book felt like a filler to hit a certain number of pages for the book.

Would greatly recommend

This book is great to see a potential glimpse of the changes they may come. We know that changes will happen in the world however this book produces a possibility of those changes. The final product will not be known until that time has arrived. Great reading on a global basis. Definitely will be not liked by those individuals that oppose change or by individuals(executives)who are close to retirement.
Happy reading to see the world 20 years down the road

IMPORTANT: This is not a beginners book!

Luckily, before buying this book I already knew a lot about blockchain technology. This book doesn't explain blockchain technology in simple terms. If you already understand, it will grow your knowledge, but otherwise, it will probably just irritate you.

By reading this book, there are a lot of things that I learned and I solidified my understanding for the technology. However, the structure and organization of the content and chapters is extremely confusing The book is also a bit repetitive.

Easy to read, emphasis is on how business will be impacted; points to new characteristics and values block chain will introduce in how we do business. May need multiple reads to fully digest the opportunities for those looking to play any role.

The first chapters gave a good overview on blockchain (and some other technologies ). This is however more a marketing book on blockchain than a practical guide, e.g. a lot of comparisons and assumptions are made that blockchain will develop in the same way how the Internet developped but it is not entirely clear why that would be the case. Blockchains to be used to re-write about everything but is that realistic? And in what timeframe?
Anyway, the book make you think and that it probably its best characteristic...

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