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Makers: The New Industrial Revolution | |||
Makers: The New Industrial Revolution |
网友对Makers: The New Industrial Revolution的评论
This book is great for its great ideas and great thoughts. Exploring this book now.
Viva from JSXLtech.com
A great book about the future of manufacturing in the United States and elsewhere. My roommate and I often discuss, "What will happen to the U.S. now that we've become a 'service' economy"? Anderson makes a pretty good case that we may not be becoming a service economy but our manufacturing capabilites are evolving. Gone are the days, he argues of Heny Ford's Model T, which "you can buy in any color you want as long as it's black", and now are arriving the days of specialization, a revolution that just about anyone can take part in. It's certainly possible and encouraging to know the power that now exists at the fingertips of just about anyone now to make or build almost anything they want, often times from open sourced plans that others have created. This is a must read for anyone who wants to take a good look at where manufacturing has been, and where it is heading.
If you've never heard of the maker movement then the first part of the book will be interesting for you. If you have you'll find the same topics that you've read many times before and you'll start to wonder, why am I reading this. I was just about to put the book down until I reached about 43% and the author started to describe his personal experience being and maker and how he formed a company. These experiences are what then give the book credence. From 43% to the end I enjoyed the book and learned a lot of new things. I almost wish the book could've been rearranged so the interesting parts were in the beginning and then followed by the maker movement descriptions.
I recommend the book to anyone contemplating where our economy is going and how they might be more involved.
Joseph Banks? Ben Franklin? Herschel? Davy? Farraday? Marie Curie? Galileo? Einstein? Fulton? Edison?
A short list of geniuses who explored the frontiers of knowledge and technology to discover new universal principles or invent wonderful machines and devices which changed the world? Any of them around today?
Well, if you read "Makers: The new Industrial Revolution" by Chris Anderson, you will answer an enthusiastic yes!...Like who?
Well, first of all Anderson himself, the former editor of Wired and co-founder of 3D Robotics (http://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/chris-andersons-expanding-drone-empire)...he's the kind of a guy who thinks up a gadget, makes a CAD design, then writes software and/or solders boards and uses a 3d printer of laser cutter to make the thing, crowdsources and social-finances the production, then sells the thing.
We are literally surrounded by geniuses - Elon Musk,Jack Ma, Robert Kearns, Jay Rogers and hundreds more who are dreaming up stuff and using Kickstarter, Quirky and Etsy to finance their dreams and Alibaba or MFG.com or their own DIY gadgets to make them. DIY stuff is available at starter prices: Autodesk 123Design CAD is free, laser 2d cutting is dirt cheap at Ponoko.com, a simple basic 3D printer is available for around $1000 (sorry, won't do a gun)...
Buy the book - read it - take your dream gadget and give it a shot...no joke.
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