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HBR Guide to Negotiating (HBR Guide Series)

Forget about the hard bargain.Whether youre discussing the terms of a high-stakes deal, forming a ke
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HBR Guide to Negotiating (HBR Guide Series) 去商家看看

HBR Guide to Negotiating (HBR Guide Series)

Forget about the hard bargain.

Whether you’re discussing the terms of a high-stakes deal, forming a key partnership, asking for a raise, or planning a family event, negotiating can be stressful. One person makes a demand, the other concedes a point. In the end, you settle on a subpar solution in the middle—if you come to any agreement at all.

But these discussions don’t need to be win-or-lose situations. Written by negotiation expert Jeff Weiss, the HBR Guide to Negotiating provides a disciplined approach to finding a solution that works for everyone involved. Using a seven-part framework, this book delivers tips and advice to move you from a game of concessions and compromises to one of collaboration and creativity, resulting in better outcomes and better working relationships. You’ll learn how to:

• Prepare for your conversation
• Understand everyone’s interests
• Craft the right message
• Work with multiple parties
• Disarm aggressive negotiators
• Choose the best solution


Jeff Weiss is a partner at Vantage Partners, a global consultancy specializing in corporate negotiations, relationship management, partnering, and complex change management. He also serves on the faculties of the Tuck School of Business and the United States Military Academy at West Point.

网友对HBR Guide to Negotiating (HBR Guide Series)的评论

This audio book did not live up to my expectations. I had just finished reading "Never Split the Difference" and was expecting something similar or possibly a deeper dive on negotiating. The HBR guide was more of an outline of how to negotiate with very little real world examples. I never finished the audio book. I think I got to the 5th chapter and realized it wasn't for me. If you want a really good book on negotiating, I recommend "Never Split the Difference."

Pretty good.

Great book like all of the series.

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