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Consultative Selling: The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels

“A major breakthrough in the way goods and services [are] sold. When Mack Hanan speaks, we sh
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Consultative Selling: The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels 去商家看看

Consultative Selling: The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels

“A major breakthrough in the way goods and services [are] sold. When Mack Hanan speaks, we should all listen—really listen.” – Selling Magazine Do you sell products or services? It doesn’t matter: What you’re really selling is customer profit. You help your customers and clients make profitable business decisions, and you are both rewarded with the fruits of a long-term business relationship. For 40 years, Mack Hanan’s Consultative Selling has empowered countless sales professionals to reap maximum success, and the Eighth Edition is here to take them—and you—to the next level, with brand new sections on: Creating a two-tiered sales model to separate consultative sales from commodity sales • Building and using consultative databases for value propositions and proof of performance • Studying your customers’ cash flows to win proposals • Using consultative selling strategies on the Web • Coping with—and reversing—the inevitable “no” Consultative Selling is packed with new partnering strategies, cost/benefit analysis templates, detailed monetized value proposition models, outcome-based branding approaches, and powerful consulting tactics that will make your customers’ competition—and your own rivals—irrelevant.

网友对Consultative Selling: The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels的评论

This book is in it's 7th printing and it is a gem! I am currently working with one of the world's largest software companies on a process that they call Value Engineering. While it is more refined than the process that Mr. Hanan describes, he is definitely the original thought leader around delivering measurable value to the customer. I highly recommend this to anyone that is looking to get beyond the "mushy" superlatives that salespeople like to throw around. It gives you the formula on how to build a powerful business case and deliver it to the right stakeholder! If you are in the sales game you need to read this book.

With my past company, we were told to focus on being consultants with our products and customers. Close the deal but demonstrate to prospects and buyers that you are their consultant and here to help. This book discusses techniques that are useful and kind of out-dated but I do find it is useful for. Sale reps.

It was very informative and taught a whole new outlook on sales for me. It is a great way to look at the most simple item and making it a key to the profitability of your customer. I would recommend this to and "vendor" out there.

A descent book on selling.

This is a great book that stresses the importance of positioning your product or service as a money saver. Very comprehensive discussion on the Profitability Improvement Proposal. May be a little technical to read but certainly worth it!

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