#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • For readers of Atul Gawande, Andrew Solomon, and Anne Lamott, th
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When Breath Becomes Air |
When Breath Becomes Air |

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • For readers of Atul Gawande, Andrew Solomon, and Anne Lamott, this inspiring, exquisitely observed memoir finds hope and beauty in the face of insurmountable odds as an idealistic young neurosurgeon attempts to answer the question What makes a life worth living?NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY
THE WASHINGTON POST • THE NEW YORK TIMES • NPRBOOKS FOR A BETTER LIFE AWARD FINALISTAt the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade’s worth of training as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, and the next he was a patient struggling to live. And just like that, the future he and his wife had imagined evaporated. When Breath Becomes Air chronicles Kalanithi’s transformation from a naïve medical student “possessed,” as he wrote, “by the question of what, given that all organisms die, makes a virtuous and meaningful life” into a neurosurgeon at Stanford working in the brain, the most critical place for human identity, and finally into a patient and new father confronting his own mortality.
What makes life worth living in the face of death? What do you do when the future, no longer a ladder toward your goals in life, flattens out into a perpetual present? What does it mean to have a child, to nurture a new life as another fades away? These are some of the questions Kalanithi wrestles with in this profoundly moving, exquisitely observed memoir.
Paul Kalanithi died in March 2015, while working on this book, yet his words live on as a guide and a gift to us all. “I began to realize that coming face to face with my own mortality, in a sense, had changed nothing and everything,” he wrote. “Seven words from Samuel Beckett began to repeat in my head: ‘I can’t go on. I’ll go on.’” When Breath Becomes Air is an unforgettable, life-affirming reflection on the challenge of facing death and on the relationship between doctor and patient, from a brilliant writer who became both.
Praise for When Breath Becomes Air“I guarantee that finishing this book and then forgetting about it is simply not an option. . . . Part of this book’s tremendous impact comes from the obvious fact that its author was such a brilliant polymath. And part comes from the way he conveys what happened to him—passionately working and striving, deferring gratification, waiting to live, learning to die—so well.”
—Janet Maslin, The New York Times “An emotional investment well worth making: a moving and thoughtful memoir of family, medicine and literature. It is, despite its grim undertone, accidentally inspiring.”
—The Washington Post “Possesses the gravity and wisdom of an ancient Greek tragedy . . . [Kalanithi] delivers his chronicle in austere, beautiful prose. The book brims with insightful reflections on mortality that are especially poignant coming from a trained physician familiar with what lies ahead.”
—The Boston Globe “Devastating and spectacular . . . [Kalanithi] is so likeable, so relatable, and so humble, that you become immersed in his world and forget where it’s all heading.”
—USA Today “It’s [Kalanithi’s] unsentimental approach that makes When Breath Becomes Air so original—and so devastating. . . . Its only fault is that the book, like his life, ends much too early.”
—Entertainment Weekly“Split my head open with its beauty.”
—Cheryl Strayed 网友对When Breath Becomes Air的评论
任何人的第一反应可能都是拒绝接受现实“为什么是我?!” Paul幽默地自问 “为什么不能是我呢?”在生命面前,没有人是特殊的。生活中有多少莫名其妙的好运,就有多少突如其来的厄运。
罗马皇帝奥勒在他的《沉思录》里说:“与其说人生像跳舞,不如说人生像摔跤,因为他需要我们立定脚跟,准备迎接不可预见的每一次攻击。”Paul的选择却是跳着舞结束人生。他用优美的文字记录下心路历程,他拖着病体出门骑行,他和女友生下爱情的结晶,他努力生活,而不是挣扎着去死亡,直到生命的最...阅读更多 ›
2017.1.5 北京,重度雾霾第5天,还要持续3天。发红发肿的喉咙,说不出话吞咽费劲的状态下,看完了这本when breath becomes air的书,耗时6天。
这个书名听着是不是特别应景?breath ,air啥的。男主人翁是一名天才型脑神经专家,36岁达到事业的顶峰,结果诊断出肺癌(又一应景, sigh),在生命最后阶段写的这本自传性的书,关于他的前半生作为医生以及后半生作为病患,不同的视角,对待生命,对待死亡的感悟。文中也有大量的医院中的场景,带入感很强。
而我脑海里出现了前段时间刚看的Tuesdays with morie 中Morie教授说的那句,once you learn how to die, you learn how to live. 在被诊断出得了绝症,医生告知还有1年或是10年可活时,人是如何思考度过这活着的日子的。认真想过吗?真的?
Paul给他密友写信说及他得肺癌这件事时,说道幸运地是他比很多名人伟人活得要长,不幸地是他还未曾写作。写作,这个离我一直很遥远的词,仿佛穿过薄雾来到我眼前,我曾经信誓旦旦要学好语言,擅长写作。书中还有一个场景,是说当paul还是住院医师时,遇到一个因手术的误差导致语言功能丧失的老人,所有的话语从他嘴里出来都仅仅是数字,当老人去世前的几个星期,紧紧地拉着P...阅读更多 ›
作者原本已经成为了美国大中产中的一员 但是不幸降临到他身上 他选择将住院医师培训阶段的体验 以及作为病人的体会融合 写下了本书 其中有他温情的行医过程 也有他无助的倾诉 感触良多
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