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Advertising Essentials (Essentials Study Guides)

发售日期: 2013年1月1日REA’s Essentials provide quick and easy access to critical information
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Advertising Essentials (Essentials Study Guides) 去商家看看

发售日期: 2013年1月1日

REA’s Essentials provide quick and easy access to critical information in a variety of different fields, ranging from the most basic to the most advanced. As its name implies, these concise, comprehensive study guides summarize the essentials of the field covered. Essentials are helpful when preparing for exams, doing homework and will remain a lasting reference source for students, teachers, and professionals. Advertising includes the definition of marketing, advertising classifications, structure of the advertising business, consumer behavior decisions, market segmentation, media planning, print media production, broadcast media production, copyrighting, advertising design, sales promotion, business/corporate advertising and public relations, nonprofit advertising, and international advertising.

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