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Immigrant Voices: Twenty-Four Voices on Becoming an American

出版日期: 1999年3月1日From Hector St 10hn de Crevecoeurs defining statement of Americanism to Harlem
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Immigrant Voices: Twenty-Four Voices on Becoming an American 去商家看看

Immigrant Voices: Twenty-Four Voices on Becoming an American

出版日期: 1999年3月1日

From Hector St 10hn de Crevecoeurs defining statement of Americanism to Harlem Renaissance figure Claude McKaysobservations on race,here are both rousing and heartbreaking impressions of those who departed from their homelands in the hopes of making a new 1ire A thirteen-year-old boy's arrival from Scotland is related-a boy who would later become millionaire industrialist Andrew Carnegie other American SUCCESS Stories tell of immigrants' efforts to reconcile old traditions with their new land Included are the experiences Of Pulitzer Prize-winner Edward Bok.1nventor Michael Pupin,renowned social reformer Jacob Riis,one of the first American female physicians,Marie Zakrzewska,as well as those who came from India,China,Korea,Syria,and Mexico to make their mark on the “New World”.

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