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MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005:应用技巧(由入门到精通)

出版日期: 2007年6月1日本书为英文版。Take your database skills to the next level with this hands-on, s
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MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005:应用技巧(由入门到精通) 去商家看看
MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005:应用技巧(由入门到精通) 去商家看看

MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005:应用技巧(由入门到精通)

出版日期: 2007年6月1日


Take your database skills to the next level with this hands-on, step-by-step guide. Learn more-advanced skills to design, test, deploy, and maintain SQL Server databases--one step at a time. Ideal for developers who understand database essentials, this learn-by-doing tutorial offers practical guidance, code samples, and a collection of techniques to help you solve real-world business problems.
Discover how to:
Manage data access with server Iogins and user and server roles
Implement a disaster recovery strategy
Use aggregate functions to compute totals and complex statistical values
Optimize query performance by managing I0 statistics and designing indexes
Work with remote data sources--including third-party databases
Provide remote access through the Internet or a middle-tier service interface
Manage transactions, implement error handlers, and define isolation levels
Go further and work with SQL Server Reporting Services and Notification Services

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