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slide:ology: The Art and Science of Presentation Design

出版日期: 2008年8月19日Over the last fifteen years, professional communications have changed drastic
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slide:ology: The Art and Science of Presentation Design 去商家看看

slide:ology: The Art and Science of Presentation Design

出版日期: 2008年8月19日

Over the last fifteen years, professional communications have changed drastically. Presentations are the primary way we communicate. There is a proliferation of presentation software in the workplace, but there are no documented best-practices for how to communicate optimally in this ubiquitous medium. There has never been a gold standard collection of best practices for telling the visual story until now. Whether you're a CEO, senior manager or educator, you create presentations that have incredibly high stakes. Stock value, sales revenue, career promotions and behavior changes are all influenced by presentations daily. Those of us who want to get ahead have had a few guides that teach us how to create 'sticky' verbal messages and make a successful delivery. But what about the slides themselves? Are they art or science, or both?If you 're tired of stagnating in your career or getting marginal feedback when you present to pivotal audiences, this book will change your approach, process and expectations for developing visual aides. It will make the difference between a good presentation and a great one. The personality of the book is smart and informative. It would be like the merging of an informative Strunk and White's "Elements of Style" with a spunky Anne Lamott - but it happens to all be in living color. Useful, yet with doses of reality sprinkled in. It will be referenced enough to be kept permanently on a desk as an essential guide yet profound enough to spark viral intrigue. For the first time, we have translated much of the design language into laymen 's terms.

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