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AP Music Theory

出版日期: 2010年2月1日This brand-new addition to Barronas series of Advanced Placement test prep man
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AP Music Theory

出版日期: 2010年2月1日

This brand-new addition to Barronas series of Advanced Placement test prep manuals presents a comprehensive review of music theory, followed by two full-length practice tests with all questions answered and explained. These practice tests include both aural and non-aural sections. The four audio CDs enclosed with the manual provide aural skill development prompts for both practice testsa aural sections, as well as material that complements exercises and examples in the subject review chapters. Topics covered in the review chapters include music fundamentals, harmonic organization, harmonic progression, melodic composition and dictation, relationship of key centers, harmonic dictation and composition, visual score analysis, contextual listening, strategies for harmonizing and sight-singing, and much more. Multiple-choice questions with strategies for test-taking success appear at the end of many chapters.

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