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Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College [平

编辑推荐Teach Like a Champion offers effective teaching techniques to help teachers, especially thos
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Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College [平 去商家看看
Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College [平 去商家看看


Teach Like a Champion offers effective teaching techniques to help teachers, especially those in their first few years, become champions in the classroom. These powerful techniques are concrete, specific, and are easy to put into action the very next day. Training activities at the end of each chapter help the reader further their understanding through reflection and application of the ideas to their own practice.

Among the techniques: Technique #1: No Opt Out. How to move students from the blank stare or stubborn shrug to giving the right answer every time. Technique #35: Do It Again. When students fail to successfully complete a basic task?from entering the classroom quietly to passing papers around?doing it again, doing it right, and doing it perfectly, results in the best consequences. Technique #38: No Warnings. If you're angry with your students, it usually means you should be angry with yourself. This technique shows how to effectively address misbehaviors in your classroom. The book includes a DVD of 25 video clips of teachers demonstrating the techniques in the classroom.

Top Five Things Every Teacher Needs to Know (or Do) to Be Successful
Amazon-exclusive content from author Doug Lemov

1. Simplicity is underrated. A simple idea well-implemented is an incredibly powerful thing.

2. You know your classroom best. Always keep in mind that what’s good is what works in your classroom.

3. Excellent teaching is hard work. Excellent teachers continually strive to learn and to master their craft. No matter how good a teacher is it’s always possible to be better.

4. Every teacher must be a reading teacher. Reading is the skill our students need.

5. Teaching is the most important job in the world. And it’s also the most difficult.

Amazon Exclusive: Q&A with Author Doug Lemov

“Great teachers are born, not made…” You obviously disagree with this statement—please tell us why.
A few teachers may be born with an intuitive gift for teaching but I when I watch a great teacher I see mostly hard work and attention to detail. So believe that great teachers can be made. Every teacher can improve by using proven, concrete techniques in the classroom. This question brings to mind two amazing teachers I know—Julie Jackson and Colleen Driggs. Julie and Colleen are always doing things like reviewing their lesson plans on the way to work and talking with peers about how to improve their craft. It’s exciting to me that what we may attribute to natural talent is actually hard work. You can choose to work hard and improve and become exactly the teacher you want to be.

What’s the best way for a teacher to start the year with a new class?
It’s important to build systems and routines, as I describe in chapter six, “Setting and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations” in Teach Like a Champion. The first day of school should be teaching students the right way to do things and practicing this over and over. Learning and practicing these systems and routines allows a teacher and her students to rely on this foundation for the rest of the year.

I once witnessed Dave Levin (who is a founder of KIPP schools and a fantastic teacher) begin a teacher training workshop in an interesting way. Dave started by handing a mirror to every teacher in the room. He said, “Your classroom is a mirror. It looks however you make it look. The first step is to believe that your classroom mirrors your decisions. You can control it.” That’s the first step. To accept that as a teacher you decide who you want to be and how you want to create your classroom culture. You own it. Some people do it so you can do it. And that’s a good thing.

If you could just change one thing in our nation’s schools, what would you change?
It’s important that we do everything possible to support teachers so that they love their work and can be successful in the classroom. In my opinion, teachers should get paid the same as professional athletes or film stars.

This book is largely based on your experience with the group of charter schools you help lead on the east coast, called Uncommon Schools. Please tell us more about Uncommon Schools.
Uncommon Schools is a group of schools that serve low-income populations in urban centers in New York and New Jersey. Across our 16 schools 98% of our students scored proficient in math and just below 90% in English. This means that our schools usually outperform more privileged suburban districts.

We’ve been using the 49 techniques in my book for 5 years, with our teachers constantly refining and adding to them. Our experience has proven not only that that these techniques work—and they can work in every school and in every classroom—but that great teachers make them better and more sophisticated over time. And best of all the teachers who practice using them find themselves in control of a happy, rigorous classroom that reflects the motivations that brought them to teaching in the first place. Successful teachers are happy teachers!


From the Back Cover

A comprehensive resource filled with the techniques that have proven it is possible to close the achievement gap.

In this book, author Doug Lemov offers the essential tools of the teaching craft so that you can unlock the talent and skill waiting in your students, no matter how many previous classrooms, schools, or teachers have been unsuccessful. This must-have resource is filled with concrete, specific, and actionable classroom teaching techniques that you can start using in your classroom tomorrow.


Praise for

Teach Like a Champion

"Doug Lemov knows that teachers can create powerful learning environments that will help all students make dramatic progress. With Teach Like A Champion, teachers across the country will be better prepared to wake up on Monday morning and help their students climb the mountain to college.  This book provides more evidence that highly effective teaching is learnable—that many more teachers can draw from the tactics of their most successful colleagues in order to realize educational equity." -WENDY KOPP, chief executive officer and founder of Teach For America

"Every teacher should own at least two copies of Doug Lemov’s Teach Like a Champion. One for home and one for school, so that they are never far from the roadmap to excellence that lies within. Lemov pulls back the curtain to reveal that the apparent wizardry of the most successful teachers is really a collection of clearly explainable and learnable techniques. This will certainly be one of the most influential and helpful books that any teacher ever owns."-DAVID LEVIN, co-founder of KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program)

 "Doug Lemov's Teach Like a Champion is a breakthrough book that is both visionary and comprehensive. If you are a teacher who wants to increase the academic success of your students, you should read this book. If you are an administrator with the same goal, you must get this book into the hands of your teachers!" –LEE CANTER, author of Assertive Discipline

 "Doug Lemov has captured in one place the specific, practical techniques used by the best teachers in some of our country’s best urban schools. Any teacher, principal, or policymaker who is interested in what it takes on a classroom level to close the achievement gap should read this book." –DACIA TOLL, co-chief executive officer of Achievement First


Doug Lemov is a managing director of Uncommon Schools and oversees its True North network. He is the former president of School Performance and former vice president for accountability at the State University of New York Charter Schools Institute. He also trains school leaders and teachers and has taught English and history at the university, high school, and middle school levels. Visit Doug Lemov at www.douglemov.com.


DVD Contents.



The Author.

Introduction: The Art of Teaching and Its Tools.


1 Setting High Academic Expectations.

Technique 1: No Opt Out.

Technique 2: Right Is Right.

Technique 3: Stretch It.

Technique 4: Format Matters.

Technique 5: Without Apology.

Reflection and Practice.

2 Planning that Ensures Academic Achievement.

Technique 6: Begin with the End.

Technique 7: 4 Ms.

Technique 8: Post It.

Technique 9: Shortest Path.

Technique 10: Double Plan.

Technique 11: Draw the Map.

Reflection and Practice.

3 Structuring and Delivering Your Lessons.

Technique 12: The Hook.

Technique 13: Name the Steps.

Technique 14: Board = Paper.

Technique 15: Circulate.

Technique 16: Break It Down.

Technique 17: Ratio.

Technique 18: Check for Understanding.

Technique 19: At Bats.

Technique 20: Exit Ticket.

Technique 21: Take a Stand.

Reflection and Practice.

4 Engaging Students in Your Lessons.

Technique 22: Cold Call.

Technique 23: Call and Response.

Technique 24: Pepper.

Technique 25: Wait Time.

Technique 26: Everybody Writes.

Technique 27: Vegas.

Reflection and Practice.

5 Creating a Strong Classroom Culture.

Technique 28: Entry Routine.

Technique 29: Do Now.

Technique 30: Tight Transitions.

Technique 31: Binder Control.

Technique 32: SLANT.

Technique 33: On Your Mark.

Technique 34: Seat Signals.

Technique 35: Props.

Reflection and Practice.

6 Setting and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations.

Technique 36: 100 Percent.

Technique 37: What to Do.

Technique 38: Strong Voice.

Technique 39: Do It Again.

Technique 40: Sweat the Details.

Technique 41: Threshold.

Technique 42: No Warnings.

Reflection and Practice.

7 Building Character and Trust.

Technique 43: Positive Framing.

Technique 44: Precise Praise.

Technique 45: Warm/Strict.

Technique 46: The J-Factor.

Technique 47: Emotional Constancy.

Technique 48: Explain Everything.

Technique 49: Normalize Error.

Reflection and Practice.

8 Improving Your Pacing: Additional Techniques for Creating a Positive Rhythm in the Classroom.

Change the Pace.

Brighten Lines.

All Hands.

Every Minute Matters.

Look Forward.

Work the Clock.

Reflection and Practice.

9 Challenging Students to Think Critically: Additional Techniques for Questioning and Responding to Students.

One at a Time.

Simple to Complex.

Verbatim (No Bait and Switch).

Clear and Concise.

Stock Questions.

Hit Rate.

Reflection and Practice.


10 How All Teachers Can (and Must) Be Reading Teachers.

11 The Fundamentals: Teaching Decoding, Vocabulary Development, and Fluency.

12 Comprehension: Teaching Students to Understand What They Read.

Conclusion: The End Is the Beginning.

Appendix: Behind-the-Scenes Interviews.


How to Use the DVD.

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