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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2003 Comprehensive and Student Resource CD Package

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2003 Comprehensive and Student Resource CD Package 去商家看看
Exploring Microsoft Excel 2003 Comprehensive and Student Resource CD Package 去商家看看

 Exploring Microsoft Excel 2003 Comprehensive and Student Resource CD Package

基本信息·出版社:Prentice Hall
·丛书名:Exploring Series


For any course teaching application software using Microsoft Office 2003 applications. This series will appeal to students in a variety of disciplines including liberal arts, business, and the sciences.


This series gives the “how and why” of performing tasks in Office 2003. It provides new chapter opening case studies, real-world practice exercises; full business and integrated end of chapter cases, and expert topics of Microsoft Office 2003. More than two million students have used previous editions of this highly successful series!


1. Introduction to Microsoft Excel: What Is a Spreadsheet?

2. Gaining Proficiency: The Web and Business Applications.

3. Graphs and Charts: Delivering a Message.

4. Spreadsheets in Decision Making: What If?

5. Consolidating Data: 3-D Workbooks and File Linking.

6. A Financial Forecast: Workgroups, Auditing, and Templates.

7. List and Data Management: Converting Data to Information.

8. Automating Repetitive Tasks: Macros and Visual Basic.

9. A Professional Application: VBA and Date Functions.

10. Extending VBA: Processing Worksheets and Workbooks.

Getting Started with Windows XP.

Getting Started with VBA.

Appendix A. Toolbars.

Appendix B. Solver.
