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概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版) |
概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版) |
·页码:433 页
·外文书名:Probability and Statistics
内容简介 《概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版)》从Pearson出版公司引进,由北京大学房祥忠等改编。《概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版)》包括概率论入门,经典统计和现代统计的基础部分,具体内容包括:概率论,条件概率,随机变量及其分布,数学期望,几种特殊分布,估计,样本分布和评估,假设检验,范畴数据和非参数方法,线性统计模型,模拟。《概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版)》难度适中,只需初等微积分知识就可通览,其概率部分是为统计服务的。《概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版)》统计部分比国内教材丰富,引进了一些现代统计处理技术。模型比较多,案例涉及面广,实用性强,统计思想阐述与算法更为具体。《概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版)》是为高等院校理工科大学生学习概率统计课程编写的教科书,科技人员也可从中获益。
编辑推荐 《概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版)》由高等教育出版社出版。
目录 序言
1 概率论引论
1.1 概率论历史
1.2 概率的解释
1.3 试验、事件和样本空间
1.4 概率的定义
1.5 有限样本空间
1.6 组合法
1.7 事件并的概率
1.8 补充练习
2 条件概率
2.1 条件概率的定义
2.2 独立事件
2.3 贝叶斯定理
2.4 补充练习
3 随机变量及其分布
3.1 随机变量和离散分布
3.2 连续分布
3.3 分布函数
3.4 二元随机变量的分布
3.5 边缘分布
3.6 条件分布
3.7 多元随机变量的分布
3.8 随机变量的函数
3.9 两个或多个随机变基的函数
3.10 补充练习
4 期望
4.1 随机变量的期望
4.2 期望的性质
4.3 方差
4.4 矩
4.5 均值和中位数
4.6 协方差和相关系数
4.7 样本均值
4.8 补充练习
5 特殊分布
5.1 引言
5.2 伯努利和二项分布
5.3 超几何分布
5.4 泊松分布
5.5 正态分布
5.6 中心极限定理
5.7 伽马分布
5.8 贝塔分布
5.9 二元正态分布
5.10 补充练习
6 估计
6.1 统计推断
6.2 最大似然估计
6.3 最大似然估计的性质
6.4 补充练习
7 估计量的抽样分布
7.1 统计量的抽样分布
7.2 卡方分布
7.3 样本均值和方差的联合分布
7.4 t分布
7.5 置信区间
7.6 无偏估计
7.7 补充练习
8 假设检验
8.1 假设检验的问题
8.2 t检验
8.3 两个正态分布均值的检验
8.4 F分布
8.5 补充练习
9 属性数据和非参数方法
9.1 拟合优度检验
9.2 复合假设的拟合优度检验
9.3 补充练习
10 线性统计模型
10.1 最小二乘法
10.2 回归
1O.3 简单线性回归的统计推断
10.4 补充练习
文摘 插图:
The concepts of chance and uncertainty are as old as civilization itself.People havealways had to cope with uncertainty about the weather,their food supply,and other as-pects of their environment,and have striven to reduce this uncertainty and its effects.Eventhe idea of gambling has a long history.By about the year 3500 B.C..games of chanceplayed with bone objects that could be considered precursors of dice were apparentlyhighly developed in Egypt and elsewhere.Cubical dice with markings virtually identi-cal to those on modern dice have been found in Egyptian tombs dating from 2000 B.C.We know that gambling with dice has been popular ever since that time and played animportant part in the early development of probability theory.
It iS generally believed that the mathematical theory of probability was started by theFrench mathematicians Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)and Pierre Fermat(601-1665)whenthey succeeded in deriving exact probabilities for certain gambling problems involvingdice.Some of the problems that they solved had been outstanding for about 300 years.However.numerical probabilities of various dice combinations had been calculated pre-viously bv Girolamo Cardano(1501-1 576)and Galileo Galilei(1564-1642).
The theory of probability has been developed steadily since the seventeenth centuryand has been widely applied in diverse fields of study.Today.probability theory iS animportant toolin most areas of engineering.science.and management.Many researchworkers are actively engaged in the discovery and establishment of new applications ofprobability in fields such as medicine,meteorology,photography from satellites,mar-keting,earthquake prediction,human behavior,the design of computer systems,finance,genetics.and law.In many legal proceedings involving antitrust violations or employmentdiscrimination.both sides will present probability and statistical calculations to help sup-