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基本信息·出版社:中国石化出版社 ·页码:334 页 ·出版日期:2009年09月 ·ISBN:7511400841/9787511400840 ·条形码:9787511400840 ·版本:第2版 · ...
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考博英语阅读理解试题分类解析(第2版)(附赠20元圣才学习卡1张) 去商家看看
考博英语阅读理解试题分类解析(第2版)(附赠20元圣才学习卡1张) 去商家看看


·页码:334 页

内容简介 《考博英语阅读理解试题分类解析(第2版)》是一本旨在提高考生考博英语阅读理解水平的复习资料。它从众多名校近几年考博英语阅读理解试题中精选出具有一定难度的100多篇文章,按常考的阅读理解主题(科普科研、文化教育、经济管理等)分为12大类,几乎涉及到在考博试题中常考的各类题材。每篇文章均有详细解析和题海拾贝,解析部分为考生指明了答题思路,题海拾贝部分归纳了文中的重点、难点单词及词组,其中包含一些专业词汇,便于考生拓宽自己的知识领域及扩大相关领域的词汇量,针对性较强。对于近几年考博英语阅读理解的真实水平及选材的趋势,《考博英语阅读理解试题分类解析(第2版)》具有很强的代表性和说服力。
编辑推荐 《考博英语阅读理解试题分类解析(第2版)》:圣才学习卡,学习一卡通,百种考试名师面授,千种科目网上辅导。
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第二部分 阅读理解分类解析
Unit 1 风土人情类
unit 2 婚姻家庭类
unit 3 经济管理类
Unit 4 科普科研类
Unit 5 人物记述类
Unit 6 社会生活类
Unit 7 社会问题类
Unit 8 生态环境类
unit 9 文化教育类
unit 10 医疗健康类
unit 11 艺术文学类
Unit 12 政治法律类
序言 目前我国博士研究生入学英语考试没有采取全国统考的方式,没有统一的考试大纲,而是采取各招生院校自行命题、自行组织考试的办法,但是各校的考试要求、命题特点大同小异,一些学校的试题类型、内容难易程度都非常相似,因此,研究一些学校的考博试题非常有价值。我们参照一些名校博士生入学英语考试大纲,认真研究了30多所高校200多份历年考博英语真题,精心挑选部分试题和相关资料,编著了考博英语辅导系列。
文摘 Whenever two or more unusual traits or situations are found in the same place, it is tempting to look for more than a coincidental relationship between them. The high Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau certainly have extraordinary physical characteristics and the cultures which are found there are also unusual, though not unique. However, there is no intention of adopting Montesquieu' s view of climate and soil as cultural determinants. The ecology of a region merely poses some of the problems faced by the inhabitants of the region, and while the problems facing a culture are iinportant to its development, they do not determine it.
The appearance of the Himalayas during the late Tertiary Period and the accompanying further raising of the previously established rages had a marked effect on the climate of the region. Primarily, of course, it blocked the Indian monsoon(季风) from reaching Central Asia at all. Secondarily, air and moisture from other directions were also reduced.
Prior to the raising of the Himalayas, the land now forming the Tibetan uplands had a dry, continental climate with vegetation and animal life similar to that of much of the rest of the region on the same parallel, but somewhat different than that of the areas farther north, which were already drier. With the coming of the Himalayas and the relatively sudden drying out of the region, there was a severe thinning out of the animal and plant population. The ensuing incomplete Pleistocene glaciations (冰蚀) had a further thinning effect, but significantly did not wipe out life in the area. Thus after the end of the glaciation there were only a few varieties of life extant from the original continental species. Isolated by the Kunlun range from the Tarim basin and Turfan depression, species which had already adapted to the dry steppe climate, and would otherwise have been expected to flourish in Tibetan, the remaining native fauna and flora (动植物)multiplied. Armand describes the Tibetan