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基本信息·出版社:西安交通大学出版社 ·页码:174 页 ·出版日期:2009年02月 ·ISBN:7560530184/9787560530185 ·条形码:9787560530185 ·版本:第1 ...
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新东方·剑桥雅思词汇(附赠DVD光盘1张) 去商家看看
新东方·剑桥雅思词汇(附赠DVD光盘1张) 去商家看看


·页码:174 页

内容简介 《剑桥雅思词汇》适合学术类和培训类雅思考生,可供课堂教学或自学备考。主要有以下特色:错误警示:帮助考生避免常见错误。单元测试:协助考生检验自己的进步。试题练习:涵盖学术类、培训类阅读以及写作、听力测试内容。有用提示:指导考生如何应对雅思考试。学习技巧:介绍学习和记忆单词的技巧。完备的单词表:方便考生随时参阅单词记忆配合听力练习,学习效果更佳。
编辑推荐 《剑桥雅思词汇》参考自剑桥国际语料库和剑桥学习者语料库中的权威资料,以结合雅思备考、学习语言为原则精心编纂而成。同时,《剑桥雅思词汇(附光盘)》还涵盖了考生所犯的真实错误,以便借鉴。语言通俗易懂,讲解单词深入浅出,旨在拓展和提高雅思考生掌握词汇的准确度,是为全球雅思考生量身定做的必备用书。
Map of the book
IELTS Test summary
Unit 1 Growing up
Unit 2 Mental and physical development
Unit 3 Keeping fit
Unit 4 Life styles
Unit 5 Student life

Test One
Unit 6 Effective communication
Unit 7 On the move
Unit 8 Through the ages
Unit 9 The natural world
Unit 10 Reaching for the skies

Test Two 
Unit 11 Design and innovation
Unit 12 Information technology
Unit 13 The modern world
Unit 14 Urbanisation
Unit 15 The green revolution

Test Three
Unit 16 The energy crisis
Unit 17 Talking business
Unit 18 The law
Unit 19 The media
Unit 20 The arts

Test Four
Unit 21 Language building 1
Unit 22 Language building 2
Unit 23 Academic Writing Task 1
Unit 24 Academic Writing Task 2
Unit 25 General Training Writing Tasks 1 and 2
Test Five
Answer key
Recording scripts
序言 本书参考自剑桥国际语料库和剑桥学习者语料库中的权威资料,以结合雅思备考、语言学习为原则精心编纂而成。全书分为25个单元:第1单元到第20单元以雅思学术类和培训类考试所涉及的话题为依据,将每个话题细分为更具体的情节,将单词体现在情境中,考生可以根据兴趣或需要按任意顺序学习或选择想要学习的内容:第21单元到第25单元指导考生学习英语单词的技巧以及如何使用生词。其中第21单元和第22单元给出学习单词以及使用词典的技巧,第23单元到第25单元则将重点放在教会考生在参加学术类和培训类写作考试时正确使用单词。全书的听
文摘 There are over 6, 000 different languages today, but how did language evolve in the first place?Pinpointing the origin of language might seem like idle speculation, because sound does not fossilise. However,music, chit-chat and even humour may have been driving forces in the evolution of language, and gossip possiblyfreed our ancestors from sitting around wondering what to say next.There are over 6,000 different languages today, and the main language families are thought to have arisen asmodern humans wandered about the globe in four great migrations beginning 100,000 years ago. But how didlanguage evolve in the first place? Potential indicators of early language are written in our genetic code, behaviourand culture. The genetic evidence is a gene called FOXP2, in which mutations appear to be responsible for speechdefects. FOXP2 in humans differs only slightly from the gene in chimpanzees, and may be about 200,000 yearsold, slightly older than the earliest modern humans. Such a recent origin for language seems at first rather silly.How could our speechless Homo sapiens ancestors colonise the ancient world, spreading from Africa to Asia, andperhaps making a short sea-crossing to Indonesia, without language? Well, language can have two meanings: theinfinite variety of sentences that we string together, and the pointing and grunting communication that we sharewith other animals.Marc Hauser (Harvard University) and colleagues argue that the study of animal behaviour and communicationcan teach us how the faculty of language in the narrow human sense evolved. Other animals don't come close tounderstanding our sophisticated thought processes. Nevertheless, the complexity of human expression may havestarted off as simple stages in animal 'thinking' or problem-solving. For example, number processing (how manylions are we up against?), navigation (time to fly south for the winter), or social relations (we need teamwork to buildthis shelter). In other words, we can