基本信息·出版社:中国社会出版社 ·页码:373 页 ·出版日期:2009年08月 ·ISBN:9787801467140 ·条形码:9787801467140 ·版本:第5版 ·装帧:平装 ...
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大学英语6级考试标准阅读优化设计80篇(第5版全新修订) |
大学英语6级考试标准阅读优化设计80篇(第5版全新修订) |
·页码:373 页
内容简介 《大学英语6级考试标准阅读优化设计80篇(第5版全新修订)》是大学英语考试标准阅读80篇之一。考场阅读如此艰涩、如此忙乱,皆因平时阅读不会读、不会练——80%以上的考生不知如何练阅读:读而不精——一篇篇测试自己,而不是提高自己。阅读做的不少,可每一篇,都仅仅是在做题,答案核对完也就完了。陌生词汇没有好好掌握,长句难句没有好好分析,这次卡壳,下次还是卡壳。
媒体推荐 长喜阅读,文章的难度、题目的难度都和我们做的真题基本一致,感觉很标准。做了这样的阅读,到了考场上.我们就不会感到紧张、害怕,有一种平时练习的感觉。真的谢谢长喜英语。
——天津大学 张小云
——复旦大学 曲一波
——山东大学 许立
编辑推荐 《大学英语6级考试标准阅读优化设计80篇(第5版全新修订)》是由中国社会出版社出版。50%考生时间有限,需对复习进行优化
目录 Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16
Unit 17
Unit 18
Unit 19
Unit 20
序言 你会做阅读吗
文摘 插图:
However, it is common to hear assertions of the kind "if you were left alone on a desert island, a few seed potatoes would be more useful to you than a million pounds" as though this proved something important about money except the undeniable fact that it would not be much use to anyone in a situation where very few of us are at all likely to find ourselves. Money in fact is a to-ken, or symbolic object, exchangeable on demand by its holders for goods and services. Its use for these purposes is universal except within a small number of primitive agricultural communities.
Money and the price mechanism are the means by which all modern societies regulate demand and supply. Especially important are the relative changes in price of different goods and services compared with each other. To take random examples: the price of house building has over the past five years risen a good deal faster than that of domestic appliances like refrigerators, but slower than that of motor insurance or French impressionist paintings. This fact has complex implications for people of the trade unionism, town planning, insurance companies, and fine-art auctions. Unpacking these implications is what economics is about.
In general, in modern industrialized societies, prices of services or goods produced in a context requiring a high service-content (e. g. a meal in a restaurant) are likely to rise in price more rapidly than goods capable of mass-production on a large scale. It is also a characteristic of highly developed economies that the number of workers employed in service industries tends to rise and that of workers employed in manufacturing to fall. The discomfort this truth causes has been an important source of tension in western political life for many years and is likely to remain so for many more.