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Windows Vista Sidebar: Your visual blueprint for developing cool gadgets for the

基本信息·出版社:Visual ·页码:320 页 ·出版日期:2007年10月 ·ISBN:0470043946 ·条形码:9780470043943 ·版本:Pap/Onl ·装帧:平装 ·正文语 ...
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Windows Vista Sidebar: Your visual blueprint for developing cool gadgets for the 去商家看看
Windows Vista Sidebar: Your visual blueprint for developing cool gadgets for the 去商家看看

 Windows Vista Sidebar: Your visual blueprint for developing cool gadgets for the Windows OS

·页码:320 页
·丛书名:Visual Blueprint

内容简介 在线阅读本书

Here’s the only series that teaches professional-level computer topics visually. Step-by-step screen shots demonstrate over 150 Windows Vista Sidebar techniques, including creating a gadget HTML interface; setting gadget height, width, and font; applying visual effects to text; using JavaScript in a gadget; adding or hiding content in a gadget display; building a flyout panel; defining default settings for gadgets; using XMLHttpRequest to download data; handling loading errors in XML documents; displaying data from a PHP script; and more.
作者简介 Dave Konopka is a Web developer and writer living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has experience building Web and desktop applications using Microsoft’s .NET Framework. Most recently, ColdFusion has become his tool of choice as he develops dynamic Web tools for the academic environment. Dave enjoys using all forms of technology to help extend the reach of non-profit organizations. Most of all, he likes spending time outdoors with his wife. He keeps track of his random assortment of interests on hisblog: www.lifelikeweeds.com.
专业书评 Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 150 key Windows Vista Sidebar techniques, including:

Creating a gadget HTML interface

Setting gadget height, width, and font

Applying visual effects to text

Using JavaScript® in a gadget

Adding or hiding content in a gadget display

Building a flyout panel

Defining default settings for gadgets

Using XMLHttpRequest to download data

Handling loading errors in XML documents

Displaying data from a PHP script

EXTRA Apply It 

"Apply It" and "Extra" sidebars highlight useful tips

High-resolution screen shots demonstrate each task

Succinct explanations walk you through step by step

Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules
