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英语专业八级考试预测试卷(全新版2010考试必备全新精华版)((附光盘1张)) |
英语专业八级考试预测试卷(全新版2010考试必备全新精华版)((附光盘1张)) |

·页码:156 页
内容简介 《英语专业八级考试预测试卷(全新版2010考试必备全新精华版)》是由全国高等院校外语专业指导委员会主持实施的一项权威的全国性考试,旨在考核已修完英语专业全部课程的学生对各项英语技能的运用能力。为了帮助广大英语专业学生有针对性地备战八级考试,我们专门组织长期从事英语专业八级考试研究的资深教授精心编写了这套预测试题集。
编辑推荐 《英语专业八级考试预测试卷(全新版2010考试必备全新精华版)》:严格按照英语专业新考试大纲新题型编写。
目录 Test One
Test Two
Test Three
Test Four
Test Five
Test Six
Test Seven
Test Eight
预测冲刺卷之一 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
预测冲刺卷之二 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
预测冲刺卷之三 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
预测冲刺卷之四 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
预测冲刺卷之五 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
预测冲刺卷之六 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
预测冲刺卷之七 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
预测冲刺卷之八 答案速查、试题精解、听力原稿
序言 英语专业八级考试(TEM8)是由全国高等院校外语专业指导委员会主持实施的一项权威的全国性考试,旨在考核已修完英语专业全部课程的学生对各项英语技能的运用能力。为了帮助广大英语专业学生有针对性地备战八级考试,我们专门组织长期从事英语专业八级考试研究的资深教授精心编写了这套预测试题集。
文摘 ACtually thiS a self evident truth. There is nothing in the world that is perfect. Those who believe in perfection causemisery for themselves and others. They believe that there is nothing else for them to do because things are perfect already.Alternatively, people who believe in perfection, believe that nothing is good enough because it is not perfect. Effective peopleknow there is always something else which can be done to improve things, and by the same token that they will never actuallymake something perfect, so the solution is acceptable when it is optimum. There are optimum solutions, not perfect ones,
Secondly, an effective person should believe the basic intention of life, the universe, people, etc, is relatively good.
People always believe that they are right and are doing good, from their own perspective. Even the most evil person from ourperspective believes he or she is doing right. Otherwise, they wouldn't be doing what they are doing! No one holds a false belief.No one says," I believe this", and add," but I know it is false." They always believe they are right. Even a person who says theyare evil, believes what they are doing is right and good. If we believe that people are evil, we may become frightened of them andreact to them unpleasantly, and they in turn will behave worse to us.
When we believe that things are basically good, then we begin to understand them better. If we think someone is evil, wewill imagine that we cannot influence them or we will try to influence from our belief-value that they are bad. This will never beeffective, because they believe they are good, and doing what is right, so they will never relate to our belief that they are bad, Bybelieving they do, even bad things, from a good intention we can better understand them and begin to influence them, because wetake the trouble to understand them and how they think, rather than to fight them head on in terms of the values of good and bad.
Thirdly, an effective