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基本信息·出版社:中国石化出版社 ·页码:273 页 ·出版日期:2009年09月 ·ISBN:7511400833/9787511400833 ·条形码:9787511400833 ·版本:第3版 · ...
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考博英语阅读理解150篇详解(第3版)(附20元的圣才学习卡1张) 去商家看看
考博英语阅读理解150篇详解(第3版)(附20元的圣才学习卡1张) 去商家看看


·页码:273 页

内容简介 《考博英语阅读理解150篇详解(第3版)》是一本旨在提高考生考博英语阅读理解水平的复习资料。它根据众多名校的考博英语大纲和历年考博试题中阅读理解的题型和难易程度,按常芬的阅读理解主题(家庭、文化、医学、科技等)分为12大类,每个主题包括5—20篇具有针对性的阅读理解,一共精选了150篇文章,几乎涉及到在考博试题中常考的各类词组和重要的衍生词,试题来源于与考博英语难度水平相当的国内外英语考试,或经过对国外一些权威杂志、文章整理、改编而成,所选阅读理解试题具有一定难度,但答案和解析非常详细,具有很强的实用性。
编辑推荐 《考博英语阅读理解150篇详解(第3版)》:提供网络班与面授班,免费赠送圣才学习卡。中华英语学习网(www.100yingyu.com)提供名师网络课程;随书赠送的圣才学习卡在圣才学习网旗下48个网站上可免费下载20元的名校考研真题和其他复习资料(历年真题、笔记讲义、在线测试等)。
Unit 1 家庭情感类(共8篇)
Unit 2 教育文化类(共20篇)
Unit 3 科技创新类(共12篇)
Unit 4 历史地理类(共8篇)
Unit 5 社会经济类(共17篇)
Unit 6 社会问题类(共17篇)
Unit 7 社会政治类(共7篇)
Unit 8 生态环境类(共6篇)
Unit 9 医学保健类(共22篇)
Unit 10 艺术新闻类(共9篇)
Unit 11 宗教信仰类(共5篇)
Unit 12 其他类(共19篇)
序言 目前我国博士研究生入学英语考试没有采取全国统考的方式,没有统一的考试大纲,而是采取各招生院校自行命题、自行组织考试的办法,但是各校的考试要求、命题特点大同小异,一些学校的试题类型、内容难易程度都非常相似,因此,研究一些学校的考博试题非常有价值。我们参照一些名校博士生入学英语考试大纲,认真研究了30多所高校200多份历年考博英语真题,精心挑选部分试题和相关资料,编著了考博英语辅导系列。
文摘 The book Love and Its Place in Nature observed that without love children tend to die. AndAshley Montagu, noted British-born anthropologist, went so far as to say: The child who has notbeen loved is biochemically, physiologically, and psychologically very different from the one Who hasbeen loved. The former even grows differently from the latter.
The Toronto Star reported on a study that reached similar conclusions. It said: " Children raisedwithout being regularly hugged, caressed or stroked.., have abnormally high levels of stress hor-mones. " Indeed, physical neglect during infancy "can have serious long-range effects on learningand memory. "
These findings emphasize the need for the physical presence of parents. Otherwise, how canstrong ties develop between parent and child? But sorry to say, even in affluent parts of the world,the tendency now is to try to supply a child' s needs apart from his or her parents. Children are sentaway to school, sent away to work, sent away to summer camp, and given money and sent away toplaces of recreation. Thrust out of the family nucleus, circling in orbit at a distance, as it were, mil-lions of children naturally come to feel——if only subconsciously——neglected, unwanted, and un-loved, surrounded by a hostile world of grownups. Such a prevailing feeling among children may beone reason why there are so many street children. Typical is young Micha, who said: "No one wan-ted me anymore.  A nine-year-old boy similarly complained:
would rather be our dog.
Child neglect is a form of mistreatment and it can lead to more sinister forms of mistreatmenlsuch as the physical mistreatment and sexual abuse of children.
Regardless of the form mistreatment takes, it sends children the message that they are unlovedand unwanted. According to the German newspaper Die Welt, "more and more children are growingup to be social cripples. " It adds: "Children lack the warmth of the nest. The emotional bondingbetween children and