基本信息·出版社:中国书籍出版社 ·页码:271 页 ·出版日期:2009年01月 ·ISBN:7506818272/9787506818278 ·条形码:9787506818278 ·版本:第1版 · ...
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十日谈爱情故事 |
十日谈爱情故事 |
·页码:271 页
内容简介 《十日谈爱情故事》是意大利文学史上第一部现实主义巨著,是世界文学史上具有巨大社会价值的文学作品;《十日谈》十天讲述了100个故事,有悲欢离合的爱情纠葛,也有古往今来的离奇曲折的事件。其间,对于封建礼教的批判、对于禁欲主义的谴责以及对人文主义的宣扬,一直贯穿于《十日谈爱情故事》始末。意大利近代著名评论家桑克提斯曾把《十日谈》与但丁的《神曲》并列,称之为“人曲”,认为但丁结束了一个时代,薄伽丘开创了另一个时代。
编辑推荐 薄伽丘一生写过许多长诗和散文故事,其中以《十日谈》成就最高,影响最大。《十日谈》反映了当时意大利的广阔现实社会,热情歌颂青年男女冲破禁欲主义和封建束缚,反对等级特权,宣扬人类平等,揭露贵族的腐朽和愚昧,抨击僧侣的虚伪和荒谬。《十日谈》以独特的“框架形结构”,精炼、通俗、幽默的文笔,为欧洲近代短篇小说创作提供了范例。
目录 序曲
序言 亲爱的女士们.我知道你们天生仁慈,但我却不得不让你们在我的书里读到一个痛苦、惨淡的开头。它勾起了人们对不久前那场瘟疫中充满死亡气息的悲伤记忆。我这开头的记载,对于那些刚刚亲身经历或耳闻此事的人们,都是一件很不好受的事情。我知道你们肯定是不想在叹息和泪水中阅读.但是我还是希望这开头的场景不会让你们把书束之高阁。你们就把这苦涩的开头当成是远足者面前的崎岖陡峭的大山吧。在这座大山的后面,可伸展着一片美丽可爱的广阔平原呢。只有经历了艰难的跋涉才能更为深刻地体会到那醉人的甘甜。乐极固然生悲,悲苦到了尽头。也会带来幸福。我向你们承诺,这短暂的痛苦(我说短暂.是因为这些只占本书几页)很快就会被那甜美的喜悦所取代。这些如果不提前说出来的话,恐怕很少有人会想到在这样的开头之后,还有这么甜美的故事。说实话,如果我可以另取合适的道路.而不是这条崎岖的小路来引领你们达到我所渴望的幸福的话.我将会十分乐意这样做。但是如果没有过去那些惨痛的记忆,我将很难对你们将要读到的故事做出解释。所以,好像是迫于形势一样,我必须写出下面的文字。
文摘 But Filomena, who was known for her extreme discretion, spoke up:"Ladies, I admit that Pampinea has put her arguments extraordinarily well. But that does not mean we should rush to follow her advice, as it seems you intend to do, Remember that we are all females, and even if some of us are young and inexperienced, we all know how females tend to use their intelligence when they are by themselves——I mean how very bad we are at controlling our own destinies without some man to guide us. we are fickle, quarrelsome, suspicious, faint-hearted and cowardly. For all of these reasons I very much fear, unless we take some guidance other than our own, that our company will very soon break up, and more dishonourably than we might wish. So I suggest that we should equip ourselves with such guidance before we begin our journey."
Elisa then spoke:"It is certainly true that a woman's head is a man, and without men to lead us we seldom bring any undertaking to a good end. But how can we find these men? Each of us knows that most of her male relatives are dead, and those who remain alive have all run away from the same plague that we hope to escape. They have split into various companies of friends, some here and some there, and we don't even know where they are. It would not be proper to invite strangers to join us. And so, if we want to ensure our welfare, we really have to find a method of ordering our expedition so that, wherever we go for diversion and repose, no trouble or scandal will ensue."
As this conversation was going on between the ladies,three young men happened to come into the church. They were young, but not so young that the youngest of them was less than twenty-five years of age. In these young men neither the perversity of the time nor the loss of friends and.