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基本信息·出版社:山东科学技术出版社 ·页码:216 页 ·出版日期:2009年05月 ·ISBN:9787900732477 ·条形码:9787900732477 ·版本:第1版 ·装帧: ...
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2010英语专业8级考试:4套真题+5套预测(附光盘1张) 去商家看看
2010英语专业8级考试:4套真题+5套预测(附光盘1张) 去商家看看


·页码:216 页

内容简介 《2010英语专业8级考试:4套真题+5套预测》内容简介:成功之道:毕业来临,备考专八,效率和效果同样重要,真题和预测都想得到,有没有一举两得的省钱省时之道?星火最新推出专八最新4套真题+5套标准预测试卷的形式,真题研习+模拟训练,跳出题海,以最经济简捷的方法拿到最高的分数!
作者简介 金绳曾,上海外国语大学教授,历任英语系基础教研室及高年级教研室主任、国际经济贸易学院副院长。1983年赴加拿大约克大学和多伦多大学进修,获加拿大政府颁发的新课程开设奖。1993年,荣获由国家教委和上海市高等教育局颁发的优秀教学成果国家级二等奖和市级一等奖。
编辑推荐 《2010英语专业8级考试:4套真题+5套预测》:MP3录音既有完整版,方便考生套题测试;又有各题型单独剪辑版,以满足考生精听每题的需求。
文摘 In the early 1450s cultural change in Europe fueled a grow-ing need for the rapid and cheap production of written docu-ments. Before this time, scribal monks hand-copied sacred textsfor centuries. But for the secular world began to develop and dis-tribute new forms of sacred texts,the scribes could not keep upthe demand. Johannes Gutenberg,a goldsmith and businessmanfrom southern Germany, foresees the profit-making potential for aprinting press that used movable metal type, and borrowed moneyto develop that we know now as the modern printing press. Hedeveloped his press by combing features of existed technologies:textile,papermaking and wine presses.
Perhaps his most significant innovation, therefore, was theefficient molding and casting of movable metal type. Gutenbergdesigned a Latin print Bible which became his most famouswork. Despite of the dramatic success of his printing press, Gu-tenberg managed to default on a loan and lost his whole printingestablishment. His techniques were made publicly and his creditorwon the rights to the proceeds from the Gutenberg Bibles.
In 1476, William Caxton set up England's first printingpress. Caxton had been a prolific translator and found the printingpress to be a marvelousway to expand his mission of promotingunpopular literature, the innovation of the printing press ulti-mately influenced art, literature, philosophy and politics. Today,print is thought of as one of the markers of key historical shifts incommunication,creating a social and intellectual transform.