基本信息·出版社:山东科学技术出版社 ·页码:223 页 ·出版日期:2009年06月 ·ISBN:7900732489/9787900732484 ·条形码:9787900732484 ·版本:第1 ...
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星火英语·2010英语专业4级考试3套真题+5套预测(附赠MP3光盘1张) |
星火英语·2010英语专业4级考试3套真题+5套预测(附赠MP3光盘1张) |
·页码:223 页
内容简介 《2010英语专业4级考试3套真题+5套预测》讲述了:轻松过关五步曲:第1步:确定考试要求的时间;第2步:统计个人答题耗时。第3步:根据各题型答题速度设定提高目标(每天做题N小时、每天练此题型N道、用完成题目数代替规定练习时间,更能提高水平)。第4步:努力做题准确保证在70%以上!低于这个水平,说明您在答题过程中仍存在着重大不足!
作者简介 王厚平,上海外国语大学教授,翻译学博士,美国《哈佛商业周刊》特约翻译。1999年赴新加坡南洋理工大学攻读英语应用语言学研究生,获荣誉生研究生文凭。现主要从事翻译理论及译者风格究,教授汉英翻译和英语精读。 主要出版物及译著有:参编国家教委博士点基金项目《英国文学通史》,翻译《马克·吐温中短篇小说全集》、《加利福尼亚人的故事》、《一位爱斯基摩人的罗曼史》等著作,并发表“论英语非限定性定语从句的翻译方法”、“试论外宣翻译中常见的问题及对策”等多篇论文。
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文摘 Most people today think of chocolate as something sweet to eat or drink that can be easily found instores around the world. It might surprise you that chocolate was once highly treasured.
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently released a study. It suggested that people inCentral and South America first gathered the cacao plant much earlier and for a different use than expertsonce thought. The researchers examined the chemistry of substances found in ancient clay containers thatwere over three thousand years old. They discovered that the substance came from an alcoholic drink madefrom the fruit of the cacao plant. The researchers believe it was the interest in cacao as an alcoholic drinkthat led to the use of its bitter seeds to make what is now known as chocolate, o
Historians believe the Maya people of Central America first learned to farm cacao plants around twothousand years ago. The Maya took the cacao trees from the rainforests and grew them in their gardens.They cooked the cacao seeds, and then crushed them into a soft paste. They mixed the paste with waterand flavorful spices to make an unsweetened chocolate drink. The Maya poured the chocolate drink backand forth between two containers so that the liquid had a layer of bubbles, or foam.
Cacao and chocolate were an important part of Maya culture. There are often images of cacao plants onMaya buildings and art objects. Ruling families drank chocolate at special ceremonies. And, even poorermembers of society could enjoy the drink once in a while. Historians believe that cacao seeds were also usedin wedding ceremonies as a sign of the union between a husband and wife.
The Aztec culture in current day Mexico also prized chocolate. But, the cacao plant could not grow inthe area where the Aztecs lived. So, they traded to get cacao. They even used cacao seeds as a form ofmoney to pay taxes or give as holy offerings to the gods. Only the very wealthy people in Aztec societiescould afford