基本信息·出版社:西安交通大学出版社 ·页码:180 页 ·出版日期:2009年05月 ·ISBN:7560531172/9787560531175 ·条形码:9787560531175 ·版本:第1 ...
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雅思听力(附VCD光盘1张) |
雅思听力(附VCD光盘1张) |
·页码:180 页
内容简介 《雅思听力》汇集新东方雅思十年培训经验之精华,新东方及国际知名雅思专家强强联手,倾力打造符合中国雅思考生学习特点的培训教材;资深国际语言专家Rod Ellis亲自作序,担任总顾问,对教材编写予以指导;新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院院长周成刚亲自审订;根据雅思考试最新趋势,全面覆盖雅思考试各种题型,提供多样练习形式及技巧点拨,供考生短时高效备考;《雅思听力》既可以作为课堂培训使用,也可以作为考生自学使用,适用于英语基础相对薄弱的考生,配合剑桥雅思真题学习,效果更佳。
编辑推荐 《雅思听力》是由西安交通大学出版社出版发行的。
目录 Unit 1 Music
Unit 2 Eating Healthily
Unit 3 Sport
Unit 4 Media
Unit 5 Giving Directions
Unit 6 Advertising
Unit 7 Education
Unit 8 Recycling
Unit 9 Food
Unit 10 Technology
Unit 11 Censorship
Unit 12 Leisure Activities
Unit 13 Social Issues
Unit 14 Money
Unit 15 Youth Issues
Unit 16 Commodities
Unit 17 Dieting
Unit 18 International Events
Unit 19 Online Safety
Unit 20 Environment
Answer Key
序言 Dear Student,
Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation betweenNew Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTStraining materials.We believe it offers a different approach,with thefollowing features:
First of all,the language used is likely what you will encounter in a realclassmom 0r work setting while living abroad.The setting of each dialogueis also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by nativespeakers in their own country.
Also,under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis,our partnerinternational research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuringthe intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking,listening,reading and writing.
And most importantly,this book incorporates ten years of IELTS trainingexperience by the very best teachers at New Oriental,and therefore has beencustomized to suit the needs of Chinese students.
I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teacherscan nlake your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding.Enjoy your learningtime with New Oriental!
Zhou Chenggang
文摘 插图:
Listening 1
Narrator 1:You are now going to hear a talk about glass recycling. Narrator 2:
Glass recycling is now a standard process in many towns andcities of the world.Millions of glass items are used every day,with bottles,jars and light bulbs being among the mostcommon.The process of recycling glass rather than making it new saves energy and reduces the amount of waste at landfills.
The first step in the process of recycling household glass is towash the items in warm,_s_9aPy water.This is to ensure thatthere isn't any drink or food left on the glass.Secondly,the jarsand bottles are collected by one of two systems,depending onthe town or city.In some places,bottles and jars are taken bythe general public to bottle banks.Bottle banks are largerecycling bins,usually with three holes that enable the glass tobe separated by colour——clear,brown or green.In other cities,people put their bottles and jars in a container which theyleave outside their house on a set day of the week.A truckthen comes past,and the glass is collected and sorted intodifferent colours by glass collection companies.
Thirdly,the glass is taken to a glass plant,where the actualrecycling process takes place.At the glass plant,one of twothings can happen.In the first case,the bottles are sterilizedand then reused for their original purpose that is,soft drinkbottles are refilled with soft drinks,or jam jars are refilled withjam,and so on.Reusing bottles as they are saves money,andsaves more energy than the second process.In the second case,the glass is melted down and made into new bottles or otherproducts entirely.First,all of the glass of one colour is placedinto abig crushingmachineand broken into smallpieces.Itisimportant to separate the different types and colours of glass,because they have different chemical properties.Then,thecrushed glass is