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基本信息·出版社:群言出版社 ·页码:350 页 ·出版日期:2009年08月 ·ISBN:780080979X/9787800809798 ·条形码:9787800809798 ·版本:第1版 ·装帧 ...
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新东方·新托福考试专项进阶:高级阅读 去商家看看
新东方·新托福考试专项进阶:高级阅读 去商家看看


·页码:350 页

内容简介 《新托福考试专项进阶:高级阅读》引进自韩国多乐园出版社。该社成立于1977年,在韩国英语教育出版领域始终处于领军地位。本丛书被韩国众多学校和培训机构指定为课堂教材,在托福考生中享有较高声誉。《新托福考试专项进阶》系列丛书从托福考试所考查的听、说、读、写四项技能人手,为考生提供了详尽的考试指导,并将各技能分为初、中、高三级,逯过独特的“进阶训练”方式,再辅以大量练习,让考生逐步掌握托福实考的技巧,同时切实提高英语实际运用能力,从而在短期内轻松取得托福高分。本丛书内容编排由易到难,循序渐进,实战性强,是不可多得的托福备考资料。
编辑推荐 《新托福考试专项进阶:高级阅读》是由群言出版社出版。
PART 1 Basic Comprehension
Unit 1 Vocabulary
Unit 2 Reference
Unit 3 Factual Information
Unit 4 Negative Factual Information
Unit 5 Sentence Simplification

PART 2 Making Inferences
Unit 6 Rhetorical Purpose
Unit 7 Inference
Unit 8 Insert Text

PART 3 Reading to Learn
Unit 9 Prose Summary
Unit l0 Fill in a Table
Vocabulary Wrap-up
Actual Test 01
Actual Test 02

Contents(Answer Book)
Unit 1 Vocabulary
Unit 2 Reference
Unit 3 Factual Information
Unit 4 Negative Factual Information
Unit 5 Sentence Simplification
Unit 6 Rhetorical Purpose
Unit 7 Inference
Unit 8 Insert Text
Unit 9 Prose Summary
Unit 10Fill in a Table
Actual Test 01
Actual Test 02
文摘 The principles making radio possible were developed throughout the nineteenth century. The first breakthrough was by the British physicist Michael Faraday in 1831. He discovered that when an electric current passes through one wire, it produces a current in another wire even though the wires do not touch each other. In 1864, James Maxwell showed that this current——composed of electromagnetic waves——travels at the speed of light. Heinrich Hertz proved that the waves pass through solid objects. With these discoveries in place, the race was on to develop a system of wireless radio.
Among the contenders was Reginald Fessenden, a Canadian inventor. Fessenden began experimenting with radio detectors in order to explore the possibility of voice transmission. In 1900, he was the first person to transmit his voice, but the sound was unrecognizable because the waves were not continuous. He invented a barreter detector, taking its name from the French word exchanger, to receive AM (amplitude modulated) signals, but it was not sensitive enough. One day in 1901, he accidentally left a filament of wire in acid for too long until only a tip of the wire was in contact with the acid. Fessenden noticed that, with the wire in the acid, the barreter was very sensitive to nearby continuous radio waves.
Fessenden called his invention a liquid barreter, but it became known as an electrolytic detector. The detector consisted of several connected parts forming an electric circuit. A silver-coated platinum wire was dipped into a small platinum cup filled with nitric or sulfuric acid and connected to the ground. A battery was connected between the wire and the acid, prompting a current to flow in the detector. Someone wearing headphones that were hooked up to the detector could hear a hissing noise, which could be adjusted by turning a dial until the hissing noise stopped. At that point, the detector was highly sensitive to incoming radio waves.