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基本信息·出版社:外文出版社 ·页码:192 页 ·出版日期:2009年01月 ·ISBN:7119043722/9787119043722 ·条形码:9787119043722 ·版本:第1版 ·装帧 ...
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英语口译综合能力教材配套训练:2级(最新修订版)(附赠MP3光盘) 去商家看看
英语口译综合能力教材配套训练:2级(最新修订版)(附赠MP3光盘) 去商家看看


·页码:192 页

内容简介 《英语口译综合能力教材配套训练(2级)(最新修订版)》是为全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试指定教材之《英语口译综合能力(二级)》编写的教材辅导篇,承袭了该教材的编纂体例,每课包括听力、阅读、口语和写作等内容,目的是通过这些练习,提高学习者听、说、读、写的基本技能,为从事口译工作奠定一个坚实的基础。由国家人力资源和社会保障部统一规划、中国外文局负责实施与管理的全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试,已纳入国家职业资格证书制度,全国统一实行,面向全社会该项考试是国内对参试人员口、笔译双语互译能力和水平的最权威认定考试合格者,将获得<中华人民共和国翻译专业资格(水平)证书》,该证书全国范围内有效、中国外文局授权外文出版社出版发行考试相关图书。
编辑推荐 《英语口译综合能力教材配套训练(2级)(最新修订版)》内容涵盖国际政治、人文、科技、生态、健康等人们时下关注的热点问题,题材丰富多样,语言生动鲜活。《英语口译综合能力教材配套训练(2级)(最新修订版)》的取材大多直接来源于英语国爱的各类媒体、书刊和网上的真实语料,从而保证选用语言的规范和地道。每篇课文后列出本课出现的生词和习语,可供学习者参考。
Unit 1
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reading:The God That Failed
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 2
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reading:Seoul'sGreen Revolution
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 3
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reding:In Legendary Birthplace of Coffee,an Un-Starbucks
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 4
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reading:Let Them Eat Canned Tomatoes
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 5
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reading:Always with Us?
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 6
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reading:Can't Buy It?
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 7
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reading:A Chance to Talk
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 8
Section 1. listening Comprchension
Section 2. Reading:Guarding Nature
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Writing
Transcripts for Exercises
Key for Exercises

Unit 9
Section 1.Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Flags of Convenience
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Fat Cats Turn to Low Fat
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises

Unit 10
Section 1. Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Big Apple Blues
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Post-election Blues
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises

Unit 11
Section 1. Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Democracy and Its Discontents
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Turning It Off
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises

Unit 12
Section 1. Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Darwin's Revenge
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Almost Like One Country
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises

Unit 13
Section 1. Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Can Foreigners Prop Them Up?
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow ...
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises

Unit 14
Section 1. Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Profiting from Obscurity
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Behind All the Glitter
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises

Unit 15
Section1. Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Cold Fusion
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Nanotechnology Cures Cancer ..
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises

Unit 16
Section 1. Listening Comprehension
Section 2. Reading: Third World Medicine
Section 3. Speaking Up
Section 4. Summary Writing: Oil Fears Send Dow Skidding 107 Points
Transcripts for Exercises
Keys for Exercises
序言 本书是全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试指定教材《英语口译综合能力》(二级)的配套训练用书,承袭了该教材的编纂体例,每课包括听力、阅读、口语和写作等内容,目的是通过这些练习,提高学习者听、说、读、写的基本技能,为从事口译工作奠定一个坚实的基础。
文摘 The Future of the Past
Auschwitz was liberated 60 years ago. Does the next generation of Europeans even care?
A sharp train whistle on the tracks leading to Auschwitz began last Thursday's ceremony commemorating the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp where more than 1 million Jews killed. As evening closed in on the world leaders and Holocaust survivors gathered there, the Kaddish-the Jewish prayer for the dead-as well as Christian prayers echoed among the bare trees in the snow-covered Polish countryside. Such gestures movingly conjured up the past. But they also underscored a pressing issue now facing Europe: how should the legacy of World War II be passed on to the next generation-and can they be forced to embrace it?
Across Europe, the 60th-anniversary commemorations are made especially poignant by the knowledge that over the next few years World War II will cease to be a living memory, as even its youngest soldiers-now in their 80s-die off. Many of their grandchildren already regard the war as ancient history or a costume drama. A recent BBC poll found that among Brits younger than 35, 60 percent had never heard of Auschwitz. The recent furor sparked by Prince Harry, who wore a swastika-emblazoned outfit to a costume party, heightened support for an EU proposal to ban all fascist insignia (which is already illegal in Germany, Austria and Hungary).
No one seems certain how-or even whether-this painful history should be passed on. Eva Hoffman, author of Lost in Translation, a memoir of her life as~ the daughter of Holocaust survivors, warns that ritualized gestures are not enough. "Important though it is to have moments of formal remembrance, we should not mislead ourselves into thinking that we have an automatic link to or memory of those events," she says. "We have to learn about these events and reflect on them. " Within Germany, recent soul-searching connected with this year's anniversaries has reinforced the sense th