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基本信息·出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 ·页码:618 页 ·出版日期:2009年08月 ·ISBN:7560088279/9787560088273 ·条形码:9787560088273 ·版本:第 ...
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苏东坡传 去商家看看
苏东坡传 去商家看看


·页码:618 页

内容简介 《苏东坡传》讲述了:林语堂,用美妙的英文向世界介绍中国人和中国历史文化,但是,囿于所处时代、社会环境和个人经历,他的思想认识不免带有历史的局限。20世纪30年代至50年代正是中国国内动荡变迁、破旧立新的时期,特定的创作背景无疑也给他的作品留下印痕。显而易见地,比如当时对朝代称谓与历史纪元的划定不统一(如称清朝为Manchu Dynasty);且时无汉语拼音方案,专有名词均使用威妥玛拼音音译等。此外,也能发现作者在解读文化历史和社会生活现象时的不足,如反映在民族关系的表述上,称中国的一些少数民族为foreign blood、foreign race,乃至以Chinese特指Han Chinese等。
作者简介 林语堂,1895年10月10日生于福建漳州,乳名和乐,名玉堂,又改语堂。22岁获上海圣约翰大学学士学位位,27岁获美国哈佛大学比较文学硕士学位。29位获德国莱比锡大学语言学博士学位,同年回国,先后执教于北京大学,北京大学,厦门大学和上海东吴大学,1936年后居住美国,此后主要用英文写作。1966年回国,定居台湾,1967年受聘为香港中文大学研究教授,1975年荣任国际笔会国际笔会副会长。1976年3月26晶病逝于香港。葬于台北阳明山故居。林语堂用英文创作和翻译的一系列经典作品深远,奠定了他在国际文坛上的重要地位。
编辑推荐 《苏东坡传》是由外语教学与研究出版社出版的。
Chapter One Literary Patriotic Duke
Chapter Two Meishan
Chapter Three Childhood and Youth
Chapter Four The Examinations
Chapter Five Father and Sons

Chapter Six Gods, Devils, and Men
Chapter Seven Experiment in State Capitalism
Chapter Eight The Bull-headed Premier
Chapter Nine The Evil That Men Do
Chapter Ten The Two Brothers
Chapter Eleven Poets, Courtesans, and Monks
Chapter Twelve Poetry of Protest
Chapter Thirteen The Yellow Tower
Chapter Fourteen Arrest and Trial

Chapter Fifteen Farmer of the Eastern Slope
Chapter Sixteen Poet ofthe Red Cliff
Chapter Seventeen Yoga and Alchemy
Chapter Eighteen Years ofWanderings
Chapter Nineteen Empress’S Favorite
Chapter Twenty The Art of Painting
Chapter Twenty—one The Art of Getting Out of Power
Chapter Twenty-two Engineering and Famine ReHef
Chapter Twenty-three Friend of the People

Chapter Twenty-four Second Persecution
Chapter Twenty-five Home in Exile
Chapter Twenty—six Romance with Chaoyun
Chapter Twenty-seven Outside China
Chapter Twenty—eight The End
Appendix A Chronological Summary
Appendix B Bibliographyand Sources
Appendix C Biographical Reference List
Wade—Giles to Pinyin Conversion Table
文摘 As one Chinese name per person is more than enough for the Westernreader to follow, I shall always call the father Su Sbiin, the elder son Su Tungpo,and the younger son Su Tseyu, following the prevailing Chinese practice. Theconfusion arising from so many names adopted by one scholar takes up a greatdeal of the time of a student doing research in Chinese history. In Su Tungpo'stime at least eight persons had the same name, Mengteh, which meant that theperson's mother, before she conceived, had dreamed that she had a bay.
When Tungpo was sixteen, there was an episode which put a heavy strainon the relationship between the father's and the mother's family, and whichreveals something of the father's character. As often happens in Chinesefamilies, the father has married Su Tungpo's elder sister to a first cousin in themother's family. We cannot know details at this late date, but we know that theyoung bride was unhappy in the Cheng family. Perhaps she was persecuted byher husband's relations. Anyway, she soon died and under circumstances thatstirred up Su Shiin's indignation. It seems the girl's father-in-law was a thoroughscoundrel. Su Shiin wrote a poem couched in bitter words and blaming himselffor his daughter's death. He then did an unusual thing. He compiled a familygenealogy, had it inscribed in stone, and erected a pavilion over it. To celebratethe occasion, he gathered the entire Su clan, before whom he intended toread a public denunciation of his wife's family. After the members of the clanhad poured wine offerings to the dead ancestors, Su said to the clansmen thata "certain" person in the village, meaning his wife's brother, represented apowerful family; that he had brought moral chaos into the village; that he haddriven out the orphan child of his own brother and monopolized the familyproperty; that he had placed his concubine above his wife and indulged inlicentious pleasures.