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Kaplan Word Power: Score Higher on the SAT, GRE, and Other Standardized Tests

基本信息·出版社:Kaplan Publishing ·页码:340 页 ·出版日期:2003年03月 ·ISBN:0743241150 ·条形码:9780743241151 ·版本:第1版 ·装帧:平装 ...
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Kaplan Word Power: Score Higher on the SAT, GRE, and Other Standardized Tests 去商家看看
Kaplan Word Power: Score Higher on the SAT, GRE, and Other Standardized Tests 去商家看看

 Kaplan Word Power: Score Higher on the SAT, GRE, and Other Standardized Tests

基本信息·出版社:Kaplan Publishing
·页码:340 页
·丛书名:Kaplan Word Power

内容简介 《Kaplan Word Power, Third Edition : Score Higher on》的主要内容包括:Empower Yourself. Communicate with Confidence.In the Information Age, clear and concise communication is more important than ever. With Kaplan Word Power, you'll build the vocabulary you need to succeed in school, at work, and in everyday life. Kaplan Word Power includes:750 must-know words.Engaging lessons to help you use words in context.55 practice quizzes to test your skills.Helpful tips and strategies for figuring out new words, word roots, and more.Key words used on standardized tests like the SAT? and GRE?
作者简介 Kaplan is the world's largest, most successful test preparation company, with 185 centers and 1,200 satellite locations worldwide. Top markets include Metro and Upstate NY, Los Angeles, Illinois/Indiana, San Francisco, Boston, Washington DC, Michigan, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Southern Connecticut, Central Florida, Houston, Minneapolis, North and Central Texas, Southwest Ohio, and Seattle.
编辑推荐 《Kaplan Word Power, Third Edition : Score Higher on》是一本纯英文读本。
Foreword:The Power of Word Power Lssons
Power UP:So You want a Power Vocabulary
Section I:Words You really ought to know
Section 1:Words You Abdicate or Advocate?
Section 2:Climb Every Mountain
Section 3:Peaceniks
Section 4:Love ME,Love My Writing
Section 5:Was she a Diva or a Dupe?
Section 6:Eric the Eccentric
Section 7:Send in the Colnes
Section 8:Her Lucky Break
Section 9:Slumming
Section 10:Justin Time
Section 11:Everyone knows It's windy
Section 12:Safari,so Good
Section 13:To Catch a Thier
Section 14: Drain,Baby,Drain!
Section 15: A Provincial Precept or a pretentious Precept?
Section 16: IS Randi Raucous ,Resilient,or Resplendent?
Section 17:IS Chris's Attitude Stoic or Sardoic?
Section 18:Politics-Tedious or Odious?
Section 19:Was Tanya's Trysta Torturous Travesty or Just Trite?
Section 20:Is Van Virulently Verbose?
Lesson 21:withACcoladesorAccoutrements
Lesson 22:Is This Therapist Assiduous,Ascetic,or Apoplectic?
Lesson 23:WastheBathosBilious?
Lesson 24:Was the Conflagration Chemical or Chimerical
Lesson 25:IsaDiasporaaDeleteriousDebacle?
Lesson 26:Is Diurnal Ennui Endemic in Transylvania
Lesson 27:IsEril(EruditeorEthnocentric
Lesson 28:The Garrulous Gamine AlSO Gesticulated!
Lesson 29:Can Homeopathy Cure an Ignominious Past
Lesson 30:Libidinous Libations or Military Machinations
Lesson 31:AMirthfu!orMiasmicMilieu
Lesson 32:IsNatalietheNonplussedNeophyte
Lesson 33:IsthePanegyricanOpusinPatois?
Lesson 34:APerfidiousorPhlegmaticPlebeian
Lesson 35:IsProteanPaulo Also Punctilious
Lesson 36:IsaRaffishandRibaldReparteeEnough?
Lesson 37:Will Sasha Sauv Towards a Sagacious Story?
Lesson 38:Is Sy a Stalwa~Spelunker,or a Simpering Sycophant?
Lesson 39:IsTendentiousToddTemporizing
Lesson 40:IsZaffigZilliaLikeaZephyr
Section III:Really,Really Hard Words(For Word Nerds Onb)
Lesson 41:Is Angie’S Agathism the Opposite ofAtheism?
Lesson 42:Is the Arrlviste Bilious orAtrabilious?
Lesson 43:Does Bibulous Braggadocio Befit a Bellwether7
Lesson 44:Did the Claque Clap at the Clique’S Canard7
Lesson 45:Did David Desire a Demimonde or a Demitasse
Lesson 46:ie Ruleswio clatandEdairs!
1esson 47:IsGregoryaGalootoraGrig?
Lesson 48:Evan.Inured to the Inductable and Ineffable!
Lesson 49:LachrymoseLoganLovedLeanna
1esson 50:Did Marty's Minions Mouth a Moue or a Moo?
Lesson 51:IsPappasaParvenu?
Lesson 52:Phinipe,theProselytizingPoltroon
Lesson 53:Were the Satraps Sequacious or Loquacious
Lesson 54:Thomas-Not a Temerarious Tatterdemalion
Lesson 55:DidWilloWWelter,Wither or Winnow?
文摘 It's hard to learn vocabulary from a dictionary or thesaurus.Word Power is nota dictionary or thesaurus.We’re talking real life here.We want to empower youwith a vocabulary you can fully understand and use.We want you to ace yourstandardized test or have a great vocabulary for the workt,lace.Dictionaries are great,but they’re often hard to understand.For one thing,theytry to tell you how to pronounce a word,but unless you know the meaning ofa lot of symbols,you can get awfully confused.Second,they do reveal all themeanings of a word,but rarely in any sort of context.Thesauruses have another problem,They can be quite mi~eading.Too manyreaders assume the words listed after the key word mean precisely what thatkey word means,which is utterly untrue.The words are onlY possiblealternatives.The people who put the thesaurus together have no idea what youwant an alternative for,so they cover their bases by giving you all sorts ofpossibilities.You're supposed to choose the one that best works for you.Here'san example:Which works best?Not heightened.Heightened speaks to mounting intensity.That's not wrong,but it’s not the golden fleece either.It doesn’t quite mean“gets worse?’Exacerbated does.Buthowdoyouknowwhatwordworksbestforyou?Youreadthisbook.Thenwhen you look up a word in a thesaurus,you’11 murmur as you run your eyesover the list,“Nope,not quite what I mean.Ah…yes,I forgot about that word.